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"s'alright! i can pikachyuu later!"

hello, my name is ahn suhyun, currently 20 years old and successfully in my first year of college! although i may seem like a super smart person (majoring in arts and minoring in laziness) i really don't know what i'm doing with my life yet. i'd have normally said a bride, but i'm constantly being told that being a wife is not a proper job occupation. huff. even so, i am currently bustling around as a full-fledged janitor and despite what people say, i think it's pretty fun! i mean, when you have an utmost interest for girls in cosplay and cute feminine boys are your ideal type, then mopping a little here and there isn't too much of a problem. ehehe. /winkw0nk.


full name: ahn suhyun [ 안수휸 ]

ahnmergency –  think of it as her superhero alias, but customized for only janitor action. she's also pretty freakin' accident prone so she's an ahnmergency herself tbqh. "yah! ahnmergency!!"
little ahn –  what junwoo tends to call her by if she ever causes trouble. some find it sweet and endearing, but to suhyun it's a sign of absolute danger and she knows perfectly well that no good will come of it's if ever used within her presence. seunghoon however, will use her full name in these situations and that's when you know she really has no chance of survival.

birthdate: january 12 1994 & 20
birthplace & hometown: daegu, south korea
ethnicity: full korean

fluent korean –  her native. though, she tends to speak too fast, so it's basically gibberish.
basic japanese –  bad pronounciation, but it isn't too horrible.
english –  "hi! aihm suhyun!" "eo, ril-lee?" "waow! amejjing!" "uh, sussi is neomu beri gud, ye!!"

height & weight: 164cm & 55kg
ual orientation: heteroual

faceclaim: lee yubi
back-up faceclaim: kim jayoung
appearance: standing at around 163cm and rolling with a weight of 57kg, suhyun is a little on the average side of things. her hair is a lot shorter than it used to be, now a little below her ears and has dyed it a darkish-brown; her skin is rather pale despite her love for the outdoors and carries a few nicks and scars on her legs from being such a reckless kid (for example, skidding off her bike, tripping over a wire, falling onto gravel and maybe messing with her neighbours cat). there isn't anything that particulary stands out about suhyun, other than that strange frog-looking mark on her inner thigh. overall she's a simple beauty like all the other bloosoming women in this world world. she isn't necessarily insecure about her appearance either, and really only worries over being mistaken for a 16 year old.

style: although she's not entirely a fashionista, suhyun's at least the type of girl who likes looking cute on a bright summer day. i mean, who knows! you wouldn't want to be looking all funky in front of someone totally out of your leauge, now would you? her preference in clothing usually genres around a springy, summery sort of look. the days when wearing jean shorts and tank tops aren't considered "exposing too much" - as her father would say. to be honest, suhyun isn't normally kept to one type of fashion either. she likes a variety of clothes; sometimes a little feminine, sometimes a little boyish. from a floral light summer dress to her mom's old shorts and her dad's baggy tee. and as far as accessories and hairstyle goes though, she doesn't do much about it. she used to always tie it up in ponytails or messily made buns (because, honestly she doesn't know how to fix her hair properly), but since she got her hair cut shorter, she doesn't mind letting it down.


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personality traits: cheeky, erted, clumsy, unsophisticated, boyish, ostentatious, ebullient

so, go back to a time when you were a kid. a time where you were just making friends, and a time where you began to discover the different aspects of humans. do you ever recall facing one of those oddballs who frolick around screaming, taking other people's things and doing things that you never considered normal? ever recall seeing that six-year-old pick her nose, or that boy pull another girl's hair? well, if you think about it - odd kids were just kids - and then we have ahn suhyun who isn't a kid, but shows just about the same equivalence of one. you see, there are really no limitations to how dense this girl is, reasonably speaking when i say she carries the mindset of a six-year-old, who yes, happened to pick her nose when she was a kid and possibly pulled someone's hair just for the curiosity of it. generally, suhyun is not your average gist of girl. in fact, she's hardly ever seen as one when she's practically one of the guys that sizzles in heaps of mush over super pretty girls and fights the sudden urge to every person she passes.

her strange ways of speech and incoherent actions prove to show how dumb she is. dumb, but a good dumb. if you know what I mean. she's like one of the girls who dress to impress, except she just spends her time wearing a smile instead of some quirky designer stuff. in fact she probably wouldn't know anything about designer products, so it's best not to ask. it's not like she knows too much about fashion anyways. or what reality is for that matter. see, when you're suhyun, reality is just a figment of your imagination! let loose! be free! yolo swag, swag! she may believe in a lot of things, but harsh realities are not one of them. suhyun is someone who likes to think big, move in a matter of steps and rhythm rather than thinking ahead and planning. free-style she calls it. life is free-style. dance to the beat of your own heart and to move to the left, to the left; everything she owns is in the box to the left. meaning, when the world goes right, you can go wrong. it's just risky and stupid and the way of ahn suhyun.

as someone who doesn't really use her noggin, suhyun is easily persuaded, easily impressed and is more than often tricked into doing just about anything for the fact that she's not one to judge and just goes around stupidly thinking that there's a better in everyone. you'z a badguy? she won't care. to her you're an utterly depressed bunny in need of a cuddle-wuggle-wuddle. but, not everyone really likes to agree with suhyun's open-arms. honestly speaking, she's an bratty one and is a perfect example of one of those over-the-top-annoying siblings. like a little brother that just happened to decide to join in your little slumber party because he wanted to play with the big kids. yeah, that's kind of what she is. big smile, no brain; her intimate ways of skinship and attention, ertness and moments of shameless action just cause her to become the that the popular kids would pick on, because if one were to look up the word L.A.M.E in the dictionary, suhyun's photo would be displayed right beside it. as would the definition of moron, idiot, airhead and big-mouth because she never knows when to shut up.

despite being overwhelming though, suhyun normally means well. she might be a little clingy, airheaded and odd, might say a few things that doesn't really go with what the world encourages, may act like the big cheese and may be a complete attention , but she has her good qualities, too! she's the rusted metal in need of a fixing or two. the diamond in the rough, you know? she's not the brightest diamond, but she is certainly satisfying, for even when she's being the most idiotic that has you itching to toss her over a bridge, she's endurable enough to talk with and at least the slightest bit toleratable. she's a human just like everyone else - feels pain, happiness, tears and love - it's just her state of human is on a different level. her mind may travel peculiar distances and her world might be out of it's original universe, but she's a girl with good intentions (despite her stupid ideas). although loud, sluggish, childish, weird and just a mess all together, patience will teach you to accept her queer heart because even when she's smiling 24/7, there's the times where it's a mask to hide away her inner emotions.

background and current lifestyle: suhyun's life wasn't that extravagant, but at the same time it wasn't too boring either. she grew up living with two loving parents, a mother named bongsook and a father named dokwang. along with them was also a rotten older sister that liked to act as a third parent; always ratting suhyun out on all her trouble-making (because she was often lazy af and just wanted to read manga all day) and would basically do all she could to make suhyun look bad. suhyun never really minded it however. she was used to getting scoled anyways and would much rather spend most of her time in her room rather than dealing with a stupid poop of a sister. whether it was for studying or procrastination, suhyun was always captivated in her room and her parents wonder how this hermit got so freakin' energetic.

suhyun got into anime and manga around the time she was 13. cardcaptor sakura was her first (still one of her favourites!!!) and she thanks the lord that her then-friend was the one to introduce her. her sister and parents alike both thought she was a total nerd though because instead of buying groceries or school supplies like her parents asked, suhyun would use her babysitting money on toys, manga, accessories and dvds. that's basically how she lived. her otaku phase also didn't change until she made it to highschool, which totally ruined her, might i add. kids in highschool don't really appreciate otakus, she learned. but, like her parents and sister, she paid no mind and still subtly went about her interests.

after graduating, suhyun applied to a decent college in seoul, but without having anyone else to live with there, had reluctantly moved in with her sister; eternally defaulting her hidden rage. her sister does cook for her though, so suhyun learns to not complain too much in fear that her sister'll bust through the doors at work and spill all her precious secrets -- oh, and kick her out. the best part about living with her sister though is that it's literally a walking distance from her school, and just a bus ride to hello tokyo.


romance bcz uhm why not???
• singing in the car –  or shower. usually both.
anime !!! –  all that kirakira romance and shounen sportzies makes her kokoro go all dokidoki.
(looking at) pretty girls and boys –  esp if they cosplay !!! oh !!!
being friends with ahyeong
• ahyeong in cosplay/cute girls in cosplay
• playing otome games –  she's terrible at them though and always gets the bad endings.

wearing her glasses –  bcz they're all big harry pottery and .
kimchi –  she eats it, but it doesn't mean she likes it.
when people bash her favourite anime characters !!1
her sister visiting her anywhere

playing games on her phone or nintendo ds
reading manga, watching anime
• drawing, painting, ceramics, etc –  # art major.
listening to music –  also known singing aloud.

staring –  either because you're a beautiful, cute person or there's something in you that happens to tweak her interest. usually everyone happens to tweak her interest.
talking to herself
talking really fast/incoherent muttering
over expressive hand/body gestures that often cause massive casualties
• random humming at inappropriate times

an angry junwoo
• an angry seunghoon
lack of wifi
becoming a neet –  a young person who is not in education, employment or training
all types of creepy crawlies –  self explanatory

• her older sister's name is dahyun; she's of 28 years of age and works as an accountant. she isn't really interested in suhyun's work affairs, but she always tries to check up on her regardless of how weird she thinks the cafe is. so far dahyun's only managed visit twice, thanks to suhyun's ability to avoid the situation. dahyun also seems very fond of seunghoon and asks about him every chance she can get ("is he single??" "i don't fudging know ok srsly he'll just eat you alive--" "omg would he really?? /excited expression/" "no what NO ew eW EONNIE PLEASE!!")
• she's actually a total math whiz, but because she's lazy and finds it extremely boring she doesn't brag about it too often. it helps her work the cashier faster tho- yey upside
• she only had about two friends growing up (a girl who is coincidentally named ahyeong and a boy named choi dalpo) both of them are still in daegu rn; what up pinocchio reference
• she's terrible with names sometimes so don't expect her to remember it right away ("what was your name again? krystie?? ? kraystal? krystel?")
• has a persian cat named pooter at home with her sister
• she plans on moving out of the house soon, which is why she might work full-time instead
• she's actually a decent singer
• pls don't let her in the kitchen; she's a fire hazard
• she has this snort when she laughs and sometimes she doesn't even notice it
• has a tendency to say what's on her mind, even when there's nobody asking
• pretty fond of , but she'd never openly tell anyone
• her current favourite animes include haikyuu!!, ouran highschool host club, cardcaptor sakura, free!, kimi to boku, love stage!!, and gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun
coming soon



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love interest: kim junwoo
back-up love interest: undecided applicant, seunghoon !!?! or no one
personality traits: laidback, candid, genuine, open, touchy-feely, affectionate, flirtatious


are you looking for a full time or part time job?
"uhhh- part time i guess because i have classes to deal with an all, but i'll try to get onto full time as soon as possible."

do you have any experience working of some sort?
"i do actually. i used to watch over my neighbours kids during highschool- the lady stopped seeing my though because i would just sit there using her laptop. and i kinda forgot to feed the kids.. don't look at me like that, okay! they're not dead!!!"

why do you think you should get this job?
"because i can be pretty diligent with cleaning and stuff and like, uh, i can also be a waitress?? and cashier? like- i'm good at math. but, being a janitor would be cool and- yeah, i don't know. who else wants to be a janitor? oh, wait! me! me!! please pick me!!! i need the money!"

what do you think of cosplaying and interacting with customers?
"cosplaying is wonderful. especially when it's done right, otherwise you're looking like a complete weeb and nobody wants to hang out with you. i never had a chance to cosplay myself because my mum's a buttwipe and never let me buy anything, but now's my chance! huzah!-- oh. but, yeah. customer interaction's bomb too. they're just creepy people. no biggle."

do you have any suggestions for events and themes for the cafe?
"PLEASE PUT AHYEONG IN A MAID DRESS. and uh, maybe a pirate theme would be pretty cool."

select which job position you are applying for
[] barista
[x] waiter, waitress
[] pâtissier(pastry chef)
[x] cashier
[x] janitor
[] entertainment/promotions



questions, comments, concerns: i can't believe i'm done lmfao that took me too long ughghgh but hearing when the deadline was on really pressured me to finish sO IT'S HERE AHAHA. yeah it's trashy and i really wish i could have done a better job with pictures and stuff. however lee yubi is so cute. i love her so much?? ? and kashima too?? uhm. i don't have a lot of concerns, but please feel me in about mistakes and all. i really rushed the bg so sorry about that ))) : totally in love with hello tokyo though. like i would legit want to work there.
suggestions & requests: not atm!!! maybe later!



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you applied for junwoo too
ok im screwed