
I felt sad watching their performance for MAMA 2014... Not because they're only 10... But maybe because they all look very very tired... Plus the fact that I read that Chanyeol almost vomited halfway through the performance... IDK. It was too depressing to watch. I almost closed the tab after tell me what is love. :\ These guys need to rest. I'd rather watch and hear them have fun in an awesome 6 month leave rather than watch them have a comeback... That's enough exo for a year. Just please... They're pushing them too hard.


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i knw, and how sme fans b anxious for them to hav a cmebck! They just ended their cncerts which by the way preceded with their overdose album, and also which needed much practice. And the mama perf. As well. Followd by their nxt cmebck which will need lots of practice A.G.A.I.N!
Told you unnie :((((( they all look so used... And the best performance of the night? Are they kidding me? BTS vs Block B rocks mama 2014 as well as YG's performance :((( feel ko pati totoo yung lyricd ni GD. May favoritism and conspiracy sa mama ngayon. -.- lolololololdjinftkpjb