Most. Terrible. Day. Ever.

So, I just found out the guy I've liked forever has a girlfriend. Yep. I was just doing my chemistry homework in the library, and I look to my right, surprised to find him sitting there. With a girl. And they were cuddling.

But you know, I tried to I ignore it. Even though I was aching. But I looked at the bright side. Now that he has a girlfriend, I can move on. Yay me.

Anyways, after that, I was kinda upset. Not at him, or myself. Just the fact that he can't be mine. So yeah, that's sad little me.

Then I go to my chemistry class and get yelled at by my teacher. Like I din't even know why. He was just absolutely pissed. 

And here I am. At home. Ranting to you guys. Because I love ya'll. ^^

Sorry for wasting your time, heh heh. <3


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I'm sure that . Are you feeling better?
kimsfangirl #2
There are still a lot of fish in the sea lol
I am sure you'll find someone better than him^^
that's unfortunate...I am sure you will find even a better fish in the sea :D
OMG stuff like that so bad. I've been through stuff like that a bunch of times and we all know it's terrible. I feel like that toward my kpop boys. The struggle is so real
Wow that ! Fighting! Wow what a weird teacher! Love you too
Don't date December amiright lol dun worry there there
suhologram #7
neeh~ exactly! XD aw~ thank you, chingu~
lol, yep they are XD
It , I know how it feels. It might even be worse when you think this guy is staring at you and you begin to like him a lot just to find that he isn't looking at you. Fighting! Some teachers are strange lol
Awww!!! I'm sorry *^* You must feel really bad :'( I know exactly how that feels!!! Do you want chocolate? I can give you chocolate at school if you want? :'3 힘내, 당신은 괜찮은 것입니다! :(
mimi13 #10
Stay strong maybe he isn't the one.Fighting
AzenZensation_0 #11
i know how that feels :( it is not a nice feeling :( I'm glad you are being positive about it :)
and as for your teacher well I hope they step on a piece of lego -.- lol
That , and I should know. The exact same thing happened to me and I was heart broken.
that :/ sorreh~ Have some Baekyeol, that'll cheer u up ^^(it works for me :3)