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« lee soohyuk  »
“ yebin-ah! hold daddy's hand please! ”
full name. lee soohyuk [ 이수혁 ] born. lee hyuksoo [ 이혁수 ]
— hyukkie / a term of endearment that is often used by his wife when she playfully yet grossly uses aegyo on him. he denies the fact that he likes it though, even though his smile's a dead give away.
— yeobo, oppa, honey / typical pet names used between the married couple.
date of birth & age. january 12, 1983 & 31
ethnicity. full korean.
current residence. incheon, south korea.
languages. fluent korean, semi-fluent english, conversational japanese.
occupation. model turned actor.
monthly salary. (i'm sorry i don't do salaries tbh like researching rn is confusing me actually idek what i'm doing ;v; whimpers h h help me pls??)
house type. a two-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms, one kitchen and a balcony. although it doesn't seem to be all that luxurious on the outside, their apartment is actually quite spacious and provides just enough room for a family of three, especially since they only need to share one room (whilst the other is used for their daughter's playing).

faceclaim. lee soohyuk.
backup faceclaim. kim woobin.
appearance. as he was once a full-time model, anything having to do with his appearance is one of lee soohyuk's many, many talents. one of those few would be his towering at a height of 184, which is balanced out nicely by 61kg. although he isn't particularily buff, soohyuk is evidently toned and he has the abs to prove it (not that he'd willingly show you of course). his skin tone is rather pale, which contridicts with the fact that he enjoys going outside - so he's not really sure why he's like that; his ears are also quite prominent and carries many similar features to that of park chanyeol of exo. but, although many claim his appearance to be a little intimidating, with his tall dark height and cold stone face, he's still deemed a "beautiful" sort of man, as his wife would often say. his smile is one of the prettiest things she's ever seen. as far as accessories and tattoos go, soohyuk hardly has any. maybe an earring or two and a fake tattoo there, but those are mainly for photoshoots if there have been any. they're never from his personal preference and his wife isn't much of a fan of them.

personality breakdown.
positive traits :   courteous, charismatic, goofy, attentive
negative traits : cheeky, spontaneous, simple-minded, uncoordinated
— people are often surprised that he is the better cook between him and his wife
— he is quite fond of classical music, but holds no favor for any specific artist
— he openly admits that his current favourite song is "OK!" by strawberry milk. don't blame him it's actually catchy as hell
— as big and manly as he is, soohyuk fears of any sort of bug (his wife makes fun of him for it, and so does everybody else)
— his wife and his daughter's voices, laughter and smiles are his favourite thing in the whole wide world
— has a passionate hate for cucumbers ("they're not tasty at all. not at all.")
— his favourite food to eat is his mother-in-law's kimchi stew and he asks for it every chance he can get
— he studied abroad in america before, hence his fluency in english
— is best known as korea's edward collen and he doesn't know if that's an insult or not
— isn't too into drinking so he tends to reject those offers
— he's also afraid of needles too !!1 aigoo
— he started modeling at the age of 18 and debuted as an actor three years later
— had dated a co-star before he had met his wife yura
— secretly good at girl dances but pls don't tell anyone
— how he met yebin's mother : she was his beautician around the same time he started his acting career. they became close friends over time, but never had occurances of having feelings for one another. soohyuk was also dating his co-star at some point, and yura was truthfully super happy for them, despite being single for so long! however, complications occured, soohyuk became single again and the two somehow started hanging out more and more. it wasn't until soohyuk actually asked yura on a little date did the two actually discover their feelings for one another. and when he felt the time was right, he asked yura if she wanted to be with him forever.
— has a lot of inside jokes that his wife never understands
— he's the one that chose yebin's name -- it just sounded so right for his baby girl
— yura talks a lot about yebin having a future husband and this is one of those things that makes soohyuk whine about flippin' everything
— don't ask him to sing because no he just can't do it (unless you're yebin ofc)
— will only ever sing with and for yebin bcz he loves teaching her songs
— is close friends with one of the other superman dads !!1
— as a teenager he actually dreamed of becoming a comedian. but then he realized no one really laughs at his jokes
— he's really good at body gags because he's naturally clumsy as frick
— traveling is something he loves to do, especially with his family
he would like yebin to get into a sports career, rather than maybe a modeling or an acting one like himself
— he's usually the most whipped husband that ever lived, but he doesn't care because yura is his real first love, best friend and wife. he loves her to bits, okay--
— no, he doesn't have instagram but there are lots of fan accounts roaming around
— has a younger sister named soori who's seven years his junior. she just graduted from unviersity, too. congrats soori ah!
— he's in touch with only one of his highschool friends, and he's currently residented in busan right now (also married and has two kids)
— he has a habit of closing his eyes when he's tired or frustrated
— he hates seeing his daughter cry - it makes him want to cry
— yura tells him not to snack too much, but the dumb dumb does it anyways. but he excercizes daily and even likes to take yebin sometimes

— tba is any !!1
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« hong yura  »
“ honey, there's something on your face.”
full name. hong yura [ 홍유라 ]
— yeobo, jagi, honey, etc / same as above
date of birth & age. april 17, 1984 & 30
ethnicity. full korean.
current residence. incheon, south korea.
languages. fluent korean, moderate english.
occupation. beautician
faceclaim. chae gyung.
backup faceclaim. n/a.

personality breakdown.
positive traits :   elegant, charming, witty, studious
negative traits : idealist, strict, obstinate, introverted
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« lee yebin »
“ daddy can play princess! ”
full name. lee yebin [ 이예빈 ]
binbinnie / used playfully by both her parents; it works best when she's gotten a boo-boo on herself because the name causes her to laugh a lot.
— baby / mostly used by her dad because she still is one.
date of birth & age. january 14, 2011 & 3
ethnicity. full korean.
languages. semi-fluent korean, fluent baby babble

faceclaim. baby yebin.
backup faceclaim. choo sarang.
appearance. clearly, yebin takes a majority of her appearance from her mother. however, she's got the same exact skin tone as her dad and his big ol'ears. at three years of age, yebin is at a healthy weight of 14kg and although she may be on a little bit of the shorter side (she's only about 92cm) she's still rowdy and strong as ever.

behavioural breakdown.
positive traits : clever, cheerful, energetic, bubbly
negative traits : stubborn, needy, shy, impulsive
— she loves calling her dad a princess due to the fact that soohyuk willingly goes to her tea parties every single time (take note that they are strictly princess invidation only)
— although she's often fiven ustensils to eat, she much prefers to use her hands
— other adults and children will make her nervous and yebin huddles up beside her parents
— she's "knows" all the dances to crayon pop
— she always says she'd be jealous if she had a baby sibling, whenever her mom asks
— yebin went into her mom's makeup once and drew on the walls with lipstick and eyeliner thinking they were markers and crayon
— has an odd pronounciation of words "dad! bampiahs!" "vampires?" "yuh! bampiahs!"
— she has an allergy to pet fur so no cats or dogs, but hey fish are pretty cool
— whenever people ask about her favourite tv show she always seems to change it. one second it's poporo the nexts its octonauts or something
— please don't bribe her with candy bc that will be all she ever talks about
— her mommy is her superhero and yebin wants to be just like her
— "baby, do you like mommy or daddy better?" "yebin!!" "i- okay, okay. me too!" the same conversation that happens all the time
— snacking is considered her hobby, but she's a very picky eater and eats quite selectively
— her crying is can get super sonic saiyan
— always tries to talk to the camera people because she knows there's someone there
— she sleeps with a cat pillow (soohyuk named it "cat pillow friend" lmfao)
— her parents always dress her up very nicely and her attire is usually every kind; swag to cute to casual - you name it, she got it
— boys who are the same age or younger are prone to making her cry easier
— like her dad, she's afraid of bugs, doctors and needles. she pretends she doesn't though she can be like yura (woman only fears of flaws ))):<)
— the outdoors interest her, but she doesn't know how to approach it
— tba is any !!1


on a scale of one to ten, how dependent is your child towards your wife?
"honestly, i would say she's equally dependent on the both of us. i'm not gonna lie though, she does have a habit of going to her mother first, so probably around an eight or a nine."
on a scale of one to ten, how dependent is your child towards you?
"as said before, it's near equal." he grins. "i'll say a seven, though just to be fair."
how is your child problematic?
soohyuk hums as he collects his thought. "well," he pauses. "first of all she has bad eating habits. she won't eat certain foods if she doesn't like them and constantly asks for things when we don't really have it then and there. for example, we give her watermelon, but she demands for corn. we won't have corn on us, so it becomes difficult to feed her. there is also the fact that she may be too dependent on us sometimes." the man sighs softly. "i love having yebin with me all the time, but she gives up on things so easily and expects our help every time. given, she's only three but it's a habit i'd like to have broke-- oh! and she's terribly curious too. gets her little fingers into eeeverything."
what is your relationship with your child?
"she's- she's-" soohyuk makes a confused experssion. "would it be weird to call her a best friend?" he chuckles. "oddly enough, yebin knows a lot about me as i know a lot about her. there was one time when she asked yura to remove a cucumber side dish away because she knew i never ate them!" soohyuk covers his mouth whilst laughing. "there are also inside jokes i like to create. yura never understands them, but i love that my daughter does."
when was your marriage with your wife? how would you describe her?
"we got married-" soohyuk snorts in the middle of his sentence, shaking his head. "no, not the tv show. i'm sorry! my wife and i got married on december the seventh, 2009 with a small amount of friends and family present. we had only been dating for about two years, but even so i knew she was the one for me." he grins sheepishly as he looks down at his shoes. "i'd describe her to be a very independent woman. she may look cheerful and giddy, though she is when caught at the moment, but truthfully she's very mature. she's the type of person that doesn't like crying in front of others -especially me - and tends to do things all on her own. little mistakes bother her and sometimes she's sort of.. close-minded. i think yura is better described as a rose." leehi's song mentally plays in the background. "as cliche as it would be to describe a woman, it's quite accurate. she's beautiful and wonderful to look at. people don't often approach her because of this, or it's the thorns that usually scare them away. dumbies like me don't mind getting pricked though, because i discovered just how soft-hearted she really is. her many petals, you know? it's sides of her some people don't have the pleasure of witnessing." he smiles all boyishly. "you won't see it often, but she does have a funny way of joking around, too." he laughs warmly. "it's amazing."
would you voluntarily offer to take care of your child? why?
"of course i would. she's my daughter afterall and as her father i think i should take that responsibility when it's my wife's as well. i mean, i also did half the work-" --- "i'd do it for the sake of yura, really. people don't think beauticians do much, but they have to get up early and prepare a lot of things for their clients on a repetitive schedule. yura is one of those hard workers too and she works herself far too often. with yebin around, it's double that because yebin loves hanging around her mom. it's just nice to take her off her hands. i mean, i don't always need breaks."
do you know how to cook? what do you usually make for your child?
"yes, i do actually. far better than my wife in all honesty!" soohyuk laughs. "one of yebin's favourite dishes might be pajeon. she's really into pancakes and such, and pajeon isn't too sweet either. it's also simple and easy we all enjoy it at home! it's great. i make it great-" he tilts his head playfully. "did you want to try some?"
what would you want to accomplish with your child on the show?
"we're probably already close as it is, but i wish to take yebin on newer experiences. she needs to open up more because soon she'll have to go to school and i'm scared that if she doesn't fight these fears now, she could be in real big trouble. as her dad, i plan on teaching her everything i can. cooking, cleaning, singing, dancing, sports, and all of that!" he nods his head firmly. "it'd also be nice to take her out on dates too. and yura also gets to have a few days off, so it's a win-win-win situation!"

username. _haekyung
nickname. dani
scene requests.
— coming soon pls wait for me


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