Me vs Comedy - an endless battle

Hello :D So, I should be studying (actually started revising a lot yesterday, but still xD) but I decided to make this little fun blog. So, ever since I've started writing, I've known that cute / fluffy things just aren't for me (no matter what people say lol). And then I started making posters..and it seemed to be true for that, too. 

So, I decided to showcase my awkwardly random cute / comedy things, from past to today :D I think I've gotten better but it still looks like a rainbow monkey pooped on my canvas.


RZZLoBA.png Akl9hu8.png SsJqGgO.pngUaLS82L.png55bIg2i.pngoYIqgSo.pngp54rZKr.pngj86CCub.png0284Vl4.png0yI88Hb.pngaHX6uqA.pngloBegy9.png?1FfH2vAb.png?1VNY5Tdd.pngJofMq6Z.pnghM8ZFTF.png

ZH8PQvS.pngX9IIgDB.pnguT23erC.pngfVVr6bM.png0Z1Nfve.pngSsvuNiM.pngIjzC6ZV.pngkhabH0p.pngPGVRvIK.jpgn6wlKAA.png L3wTb4l.pngNjy6aZK.png LBaYbC7.pngc6wYojA.pngCLaM5jI.pngkrntI2G.pngIkYWHbA.png

Well..that's a lot of posters o.o. But looking back...I had been MUCH worse than now lol. I'm probably going to make something like this for my more 'serious' stuff, too, but for now, this was enough to put together xD Feel free to choose your favorite or something... (or tell me just how bad my cute still is xD)

PS: (for both designers and writers): What is the genre that you hate writing / making (posters) / drawing? Why?

Mine, obviously, is comedy. And because I'm lame at it xD


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The number of posters youmake always impresses me. Again, you've come a long way! I think my fave is the red and blue 'honey, honey' poster. Like you, I'm not very good at the "cute" concept.
kinri08 #2
I love some of your posters and seriously it's not lame
They are nice. better than mine
and you get a lot of better at it

I hate making cute or fluff posters
because im lame and at it
I dont have much ideas about cute and fluffs posters
i like the 'married plus one' and 'the weirdo next door' ones. is that ur fic? makes me wanna read it
tbh the first few posters were really... IT'S GOOD THAT YOU'VE GOTTEN BETTER LMAO.

I can't design sultry stuff. Like, I'll make it red and then... that's it haha. Drama is hard to do as well ^o^"
Yeah lol your posters are nice though. I like that they're all so bright!

I haven't really tried many genres so I can't say hehe. But I'll at anything that's not fluff haha