Stolen quiz from snowflake21

1. Are you a very open or private person? I am inbetween. 

2. What is your favourite Christmas movie? Home Alone 1 &2 .. I prefer them but I still like all of them 

3. When did you stop believing in Santa? I don't celebrate Christmas but I still believed it was real when I was a kid .. So when I was seven maybe 

4. What do you get complimented on the most? My hair and eyes appearance wise ..

5. How are you feeling right now? Sleepy ...

6. If money was no object, where would you move to? Korea, Japan, China, New York

7. Who was the last person to make you cry? Do actors from movies count? If they do then I have this wired thing where I have to watch koizora every year .. And I always cry 

8. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they? Exercise daily that didn't happen 

9. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly ? No I dnt think so 

10. Who was the last person you talked about with? My best friend ..It was about a rated m fanfiction 

11. How did you bring in the New Year? with my familly at home

12. Have you ever online dated? No

13. Post a screen shot of your Twitter “Interactions” page.I don't have it 

14. Click on the messages tab on Facebook, post a screen shot (erase surnames for safety).I don't have it 

15. Post a screenshot of your tumblr activity page. Won't let me post it .. Keeps crashing 

16. Do you believe in soul mates? Yes :)

17. Do you play video games? YES!!

18. What age do people usually mistake you for? 18 , I'm 15

19. What or whom do you miss right now? Best  Friend

20. What perfume do you wear? I have so many perfumes .. The one I'm wearing now is "just pink "


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kimsfangirl #1
Can I steal this one?
hhhehhe coooool!!! :p