B.A.P lawsuit

so, woke up to three journals about B.A.P filing a lawsuit against TS. I just........i have no words.

i'm sad. beyond sad. see, the first kpop group i lisened to might have been BigBang, but it's B.A.P that made me stay. B.A.P is the group that really made me want to be part of the kpop fandom. so this......it hurts. it hurt's even more becuase i can only imagine how things are with the boys right now, how worried they are about what's going to happen, and nothing my brain imagines is good. i'm worried for them and i hope everything works out to their advantage.


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klienchoung #1
I know! I thought TS was treating them better than that x.x
Good god, I am going to sit tight and not do anything.
After all the stuff that's happened this year...
I am going to sit tight and wait......
Angie143 #3
Bap is sueing TS Entertainment because all the money Bap earned themselves has been given to Ts instead of them. Bap only gets about 450 dollars a month and all the 3 years they have been working hard, they only had 6000 dollars in three years! I actually respect this sue and Bap Yongguks took charge.
Kareem #4
It's okay because they are doing it together!