I am a geek

I bought some necklaces at a China craft store the other week. One of them is a sword. I asked the owner of the shop what the words on the sword meant. She said she didn't know. 

I typed the words into Google Translate and nothing came up. 

Then it hit me.

It's Elven. 

It's a sword from Lord of the Rings. 

I'm so proud of myself.


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Lol! Geeks unite!!
oppach #2
Lord of the rings movie--
"The wizard, ranger, and hobbits will go this way and take on this army. Legolas, you go that way and take that army. We'll meet up later."
hahahaha...what do I do with you? But I'm thankful to have found yet another thing we have in common. "I shall return."

Legolas is the elf of my dreams come true on the screen/

Can you send sent us a pic too so we could see.