Thanks for the Birthday Wishes and now for you

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Most of you know I turned 19 yesterday-- It is the morning of the 26th of November; and I am amazed at how time flies. 
Any who! I just wanted to say a big Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!

Thank you for making my birthday fun and full of life! Honestly I wouldn't have had nearly anything today had you guys not; laughed with me. Wished me the best, and stuck around to support me! Sends you all hugs and warm blessings! I will continue to do my best! To bring better art and humor, or warmth to your lives. 

Now on a relative side note: 

As, trial and error have happened; accompanied with pain, frustration, anger and disorientation. Please don't forget to love one another, understand others perspectives. It isn't hard to become someone's shoulder, or ear, even mouth. But don't hide away and watch people get hurt. Stand up , head held high and be the one and only you. As we have this ending to 2014 approaching slowly; keep at it, fight harder and smile brighter, because I want you all to be your best alongside me in 2015.


I want to see everyone improve, I want you all to laugh, smile and cry through pain and happiness. I want memories to be made and love to be shared. If we are a community or gathering of diverse people, all on the same subject? Why not spread the wealth and help one another?

I may sound like I am rambling, and if you leave this journal; to forget or consider this nonsense. Please keep this to heart. Lets end 2014 like we were never phased, with love so warm that frozen toes can't hide. But lets also attack 2015 with honest passion, so bright, you blind your enemies and conquer your goals.  

Attack everything with Honest Passion! 
Thank you for supporting me, because you gave me something to cherish and give back. I hope you all had a great day! And now please rest well!!! Eat, smile, and love whom ever you care about. Don't forget to pray for those in need, or those struggling. Always be true to yourself. 

I Love you <3 

Riri signing off 
Good Night! 



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Happy belated (?) birthday! Take care of yourself too and I love you :)
So you're baekhyun and I'm chen and I'm gonna snuggle all over you. LOL <3 Happy un-birthday! love ya everyday!
! I kept reminding myself to tell you.. happy birthday! ♡