Man. Man. Man.

The other day one of my friends told me not to think about the past but it's hard for me not to.  The past was so much better for me and I was much more happy then. Even though those times make me feel happy they also make me cry and feel sad  because I know I can't get them back and times will never be that way again. I seriously miss the old days. The old kpop, my old friends, the old songs on the radio, the old shows, the first time I ever watched a korean drama/listened to  korean song,reading my first fan fic, living were I was happy. I'm not feeling the same about anything anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me tonight I guess nostalgia has my .


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Like the house you lived in when you discovered kpop. When we made all of those dances and read fanfics together. I really miss the old times..the other day I cried because I saw a commercial for little big planet and it reminded me of the lovely bones and scream 4 and our dances and stuff. I wish I could rewind time.
TheCrazy15 #2
I totally get you. Now a days, everything just seems so much harder to handle. Even things related to Kpop, and things/people not related to it. Try not to let it get to you too much tho, keep your head up.!