
Sometimes I just get really tired of life.

I do the same thing almost everyday.

Monday to Friday,I get up get ready and then go to school,a place I hate.

.Listening to people gossip and watching them be happy and have fun.

Hearing people talk about how  well they're doing in all their classes and how amazing and fun their lives are.

Then there's me,the person who just sits alone,doesn't really show emotion and is quiet most of the time.

I don't understand why everyone around me seems to be so happy and have great lives while i'm just unhappy about everything.

I've never understood how people can make friends so fast amd how people can keep friends for so long.

Everytime I think i've made a new friend they either just stop talking to me,start hanging out with other people,or one of us moves away and we lose contact.

I know that you have to actually talk to people to make friends but I just feel like no matter how hard I try to talk to people they just don't want to talk to me or they don't like me.

So I just leave people alone and keep to myself unless they say something to me first.

It seems like i'm just a very unlikable person.

I have a really hard time paying attention in my classes and I don't really have good grades.

I don't even know what I want to do when I get out of high school and it seems like everyone else knows.

I just feel like there's not really a point in my existence and that i'm not going anywhere in life.


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kohomada #1
That is my exact life at school, I only have my sis and when she graduates this year I will be all alone....
Popculturejunkie91 #2
You have friends and I know that they think you're grand
I know exactly how you feel. My life hasn't been going too well either.