
Okay i dont even knw how to put this!!! A really beautiful 16years old Ethiopian girl named Hanna was gang to death by a group of 5mens for 5days and they le ft her out on z streets like shez sumkind ov garbage which was so inhuman! She luckily made it to hospital but died atlast after a terrible pain n hardships. The doctors didnt evn knw wat to do as her s were all ruined and in a bad shape.:-( And those who did this to her claimed they'r innocent n thy didnt evn touch her. How can a human hav the gut to do all that and still deny??? ;->;-> This is such an immoral ugly terrifying absoluntly unfair ting that had happned to her and WE NEED FAIR JUSTICE for that!!! Ethiopian gov't should hang em all infront of z square and set an example for all z other millions of Women abusers outzer!!! DIE U ING !! U DESERVE TO DIE! Am nat even sorry for you a bit! Stop women violence! JUSTICE FOR HANNA!!! ;-(;-(;-(;-(:-(


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U hate z boys or z country itself huh?
thats why i hate ethopian boys in the first place
Well nat rly coz millions r bng abused n killed in every corner, hers was just lucky enough to appear on z media
#JusticeForHanna U will be missed dearly dear...she had to experience something no one has to.... :'(
Yeah i cant believe Ethiopian boys never learn!:-( bt then again z gov't itself is too problematic, am sure z jury wont b one we all want. I dont tink theyr goin to sentence them death notes. Ugggh.
It's for 8 days. What the ASDKFJALSIfjlksdjhfoisa8768963!!!!!!! They deserve to die. Imagine how her parents would react. This is shame to our country. I vote for them to die.
This is so sad and totally inhumane, those guys deserved to be killed or sentenced to life imprisonment. I don't know why anyone would do such a cruel thing. Justice indeed for Hanna.
i know zat was so sad :'( mom heard zat n im grounded!
a now here they are killing a beatufill girl this ing idiots have to die I was a victem of tried to take case I know what it feels like I ing hate them for running her life but the govt is ed up too #RIP HANNA I will always pray for your peace we will fight for u
I hope so too! I nvr knew gang was this common in Eth.
Oh my that's, I'm sorry to hear that. Those who did it are not human, they're the personification of the devil or it's the devil himself. I truly hope she's given justice.
kimsfangirl #12
That 's really cruel! They are really not human
clubcutness #13
Thats so cruel
Thats wat i inquire too. So inhuman!
kdramafan #15
That's so cruel and disgusting .. Have they no shame