I have issues


Sorry I haven't updated in a while,there's a ton of stuff of going on in my life that I need to get through with.

The only reasons why I have issues is because I am over emotional and I don't know anymore... Recently, I've noticed that I am fragile, that I can't take criticism well. I can take critism but I depends on what kind of critism. I think I just have a fragile heart, I also think my over emotional self is caused by all the stress of school. 

To explain my over emotional self, I have been wondering what the meaning of life is. I wonder everyday why humans are on earth, why we are here, why am I alive, and so on. 

I think I have been having these thoughts because of a book I have been reading, it's kind of a funny story. It's a really good book, but it has to do with depression and stress, so I think that's where I got my thoughts from. Sometimes I really just wonder though, why am I alive? 

So when I say "I don't know anymore", I mean that I don't know what to say or what to feel. I mean it's strange I feel perfectly fine but, what is she feeling? So I am talking about alora (this is so weird saying this... My crush). She is my everything, she's  is so beautiful, she makes my day. She's no negative about herself, I just want her toffees good about herself. I want her to feel that she is good, that she is worth it. 

I really want to tell her, I want to tell her I am interested in her, but I can't. We are so close. Would is ruin our friendship? I had a plan before to tell her I was attracted to girls, but I didn't have the courage. I'm a coward, a silly coward who won't be true to herself with others... Wow, I am great.

So, basically what's happening recently is school, Alora and softball. That's all I ever think about, except for kpop, I still love kpop... Kpop is my only getaway in my strange life. And I am glad that there is such a thing to exist. 

Goodbye, I have to sleep now. Have a good day/afternoon/night/sleep/morning/whatever time of day it is for you. ;) <3




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Just a thought to ponder: you wonder "why you are alive?", but have ever wondered of its opposite. have you asked yourself "why shouldn't you be?".

I just want you to know. Everyone is born for a reason. Maybe it is to make your parents life more beautiful, be an inspiration fir others or just make this world a better place to live. You might not know it now but in the futute you will. So never doubt the purpose of your existence.

As for your crush. If you want to help her with her depression and self esteem problem, why not be strong for her. Be sure of yourself and love yourself more. After doing that show her how she has influenced your life in a good why. Make her see her good qualities and talents.

Sometimes actions speaks louder than words, so if you cannot say it yet then show it to her. As you are doing that slowly build up your courage. When you are ready and sure tell her what you feel for her.

Whatever her answer is, know that at least you told her and did all you can to win her heart. No regrets.
Honey, don't feel grey. If you're patient, you could try to make her fall for you.