It's a new year, and with that comes new ideas, new people, new stories, and definitely, new experiences.

I want to take this time to thank each and every single one of you who have been a part of my AFF experiences. I won't be naming all the names because there is just too many to count, and too many to say.

But here are some:

ifallelsefails ♥ thank you unni, for inspiring my stories, for helping me ship Eunhae and Kyuna

little_miss_psycho my dongsaengie ♥

ShineeKey7 Love you always ♥

heybabylovecrash because we can talk ♥

golferox for being awesome ♥

funnylittlefishy because I heart you ♥

EastSeaStrawberry because your comments I heart, and I love you. ♥

To all my friends, readers, commentors, SARANGHAE ♥


But, I also want to show some ELF pride. It's Sungmin's birthday~ He's turning 26 in American ages.

To people in Korea, that's old.

I want to tell everyone who bashes Super Junior and call them old, that Super Junior has presence. You watch a performance with them in it, and you feel goosebumps because in your head it's like, "DAMN! They just made every other artist look bad."

There are tons of other talented groups out there. But like DBSK, Super Junior has the experience, the talents and definitely the fanbase to continue. So, SM, in case you were hoping with Heechul and Leeteuk leaving you can easily get away with letting Super Junior disappear into oblivion, you are wrong. When Exo debuts, I will support them because I love SMFamily.

But remember this always:

                                                                                    SUPER JUNIOR: THE LAST MAN STANDING


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Happy New Year :)
Your little speech at the end was so inspirational, and you're totally right. If SM tries to pull anything...well, we're not going down without a fight :)
super junior jjang!

and happy new year too. :)
heybabylovecrash #4
omg ♥
We need to fix the fact that we haven't talked in a while. Like, soon.
Hope you had a great New Year :D
Happy New Year! well me i dont like the idea of SM making Suju disappear why? though they still make money for sm all i know is im not going to support Exo (im sorry)
EH HELL YEAH<3 :3 Happy New Year to you and though we dont talk much I think youre a really really great ELF.
Happy 2012, Dongsaeng! ^^

Super Junior is widely popular and they're here to say. There's still hope for a comeback after the others return from their military service. It's something that ELFs will be looking forward to.
-looks up at the names-

; A ;

Happy New Year(:

Happy Birthday Minnie! ^^
Happy New Year! :)
MY HUSBAND IS OLD! He is now 8 years older than me! For 21 more days, then we are back to 7 years, which makes it TOTALLY ok :) but yeah, they are awesome...and according to you so am I >.< don't you see my head swelling already?