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You guys if you find a story you might like read at least TWO chapters 

Because I know how hard it is to write the first chapter it turns out crappy because they are trying to think of a good starter to catch your eye if the teaser thing dont work (if they do that tease thing)

But trust me its not easy it takes my about a week or so to make a chapter one I know what im going to put and all but my mind goes blank when I start thinking you readers wont like it

But the first chapters are always crappy esh at first because most want to please you so you can sub the story they are making 

So before your like "Oops nope not this one I dont like how they made this first chaper" Its like that with alot of people 

I even do that but then I read on and then I see that it got really good and nice and less slobby esh XD 

It will hurt someone if you veiw the story and only read like half of chapter one and then there are like a few sub's to a story and like alot of veiws it hurts me as well 

I even re read the story to see if there was somthing they didnt like then I seen in all of my stories it was the first chapter its like that with others 

They havnt told me but as someone who writes as well it hurts alot when they see like 700 veiws and then only 10 subs it makes me sad and think im just not even that good of a writer 

So if the chapter is bad try to read to the next chapter most of them are just getting started and all so its hard trust me ;;


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