About me tagged by Takenbyjungguk

[Section #1: The real me !] 


1. Full Name (or just your first name if your not comfortable): Varonika Grace LaRiviere


2. Age: 22


3. Birthday: July 30th 1997 (im slowly getting old)


4. Eye color: green


5. Hair color: It's currently dyed red


6. Have you ever dyed your hair?: yes ive dyed it a lot growing up nothing to crazy though 


7. Do you have any piercings?: Nope every time I take them out they heal up within a day or two and wont go back in 


8. Have any tattoos?: I want a tattoo but with the career choice I want maybe not


9. What's your clothing style?: My style changes often but I mostly go more with the girly tomboy type maybe.


10. Do you enjoy wearing jewelry?: I wear jewelry mostly when I am going out somewhere I have to dress up but I don't normally where any


11. Hobbies?: Writing, listening to music, watching anime and messing with my cat~


12. What country/state do you live in?: Well I grew up in Florida but recently moved to Ohio for school 


13. Where do you wish to live?: Imma be honest i want to move to South Korea, not for the reason of K-pop or the Idols but because ive taken an Interest in teaching English and since im already learning Korean why not go ahead and be a English teacher right?


14. What grade are you in?: I am no longer in school and currently waiting for schools to open back up to start 


15. Do you paint your nails? Are they painted right now?: I loved to paint my nails but I do many random jobs and they get messed up so I stopped doing them, but no they arnt painted right now



[Section #2: My Account !] 


1. Username: KittyXCat


2. Does it have a special meaning?: It was something I liked when I was Younger for a username because I had a lot of cats outside and it was the only thing a 12 of 13 year old could think of at that moment for usernames so it stuck


3. When did you join AFF?: I joined on April 29, 2013 (wow thats a long time)


4. Why did you join AFF?: It was really for a story my sister showed me and I asked where she read it from so I can finish reading it.... it was about a werewolf and a human girl who ended up being a matched pair turns out her dad was a werewolf or something... it was so long ago and if you're wonder probably not but no i didn't find the story again T.T I never know how it ends 


5. First story you read on your account: well I cant remember the title but I think it was about SHINee or maybe SuperJunior with Girls Generation ~_~


6. What was your first published story?: So the very first story I published was called Just You now that I look back at it im shy to even re read it but I was also young and just starting out but I did make a second Version called Only You 


7. Was that your first completed story?: Nope. my first complete story was between the tree's with a Joon and Mir love story 


8. How many published stories do you currently have?: 14 but I would have more but I feel like some stories arnt great and end up deleting it 


9. How many stories are you subscribed to?: 11 I haven't been reading much lately  


10. How many total subscribers do you have?: 362


11. How many unique subscribers?: 400


12. Do you have a comment streak?: Nope, I try to comment but i don't never know what to comment 


13. How many badges do you have?: 5


14. Who / what is your current pfp?: BTS Jimin because his smile makes me happy and gives me courage~!!


15. How often do you log into AFF?: I try to log in everyday to see if anyone commented or anything but at las I get none lol



[Section #3: My Phone and Computer !] 


1. What kind of phone do you have?: I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 egde


2. Current phone lockscreen and wallpaper?: 

My babes Jimin and Seonghwa 

3. Last saved photo: 

I was thinking of changing my phone screen

4. Favorite social media app?: I tend to use Facebook more but my favorite is twitter


5. You got games on your phone?: I have kpop Piano, Love Niki, BTS World and Superstar BTS lol 


6. How many social media apps do you have?: Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Vlive, Facebook


7. How many photos/videos do you have saved?: to many but i have 85 from just twitter 


8. Computer background?: 


9. Last song you listened to?: Astro only you because TakenbyJungguk got me in my feelings of wanting astro lol


10. Last used app?: Twitter


E N D 


(everyone reading this is tagged ahaha) 


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