안녕하세요! (Annyeong Haseyo!)

Annyeong haseyo, readers!

瀬戸 (kpopfanboy), here. Author of the I'll Be There fanfic and its soon to be sequel (which is still, as of now, unnamed.)

I felt like it's been so long since I last updated, that I owed my loyal followers a bit of an explanation of sorts. Yes, my story is on an indefinite hiatus for now, but don't think that this is the end of my story. I've been extremely busy with a new job so I have hardly any free time to write any more.

But please don't give up on the citizens of Munlaijeu just yet! This story is only halfway complete and there are still so many fun and exciting things to come! We have so much further to go!

I still have to write about the Harvest Moon ceremony, the growth of the new relationships forming between JongKey and 2Min, and of course my promised scenes. (*shudder* I'm unsure of how well that part will turn out, but we shall see... >.<)

Please just wait patiently. I've made it my New Year's resolution to update more. I'm unsure when I'll be able to make my next update, but please rest assured that I have already begun writing my next chapter addressing the aftermath of the attacks on the carnival.  ^.^

With that said, I wonder if any of you have any suggestions regarding what you would like to see next? I do already have the main story completely planned out, but I'm open to adding in things that my readers would like to be seen addressed. Any pairings I haven't addressed yet? Any ideas for further scenarios or conflicts in the chapters to come—or even the sequel? Your input is greatly appreciated!

Again, mianhe, readers! I shall try and update as soon as I can! Kamsamnida for everything!

 — kpopfanboy


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phoqueen #1
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, SUNBAE, YESHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll go refresh on my memory then :D don't feel too pressured tho, i'll be a good little patient reader ^^ hwaiting!
YUNJAE!!! XD lol
I'm a greedy kid you know that,and i'm waiting for that long awaited and promised Update!
...i'll be quiet now. =>