Jillian Han » Eating Disorder » Monsterful » STEAL HEARTZ

JIllian Han
monster // jess // 8-9
» Plotline Choosen
NICKNAME: Jill (what she usually goes by.) Jibyul (Korean and middle name) Jiji, Byul
DATE OF BIRTH: Dec. 03, 1990
AGE: 24
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seattle, Washington
HOMETOWN: Seattle, Washington
LANGUAGE: korean and english
» Showtime
POSITION: Main Vocal and Lead Dancer
FANCLUB NAME: fairytales
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

If you were to sort Jillian in to a hogwarts house, with out a doubt the first place you'd sort her would be Hufflepuff. Jill is kind and loyal, and is just. Often dubbed the mother of the group because she is motherly to the other memebers. She does the cooking and makes sure the others are well fed with a healthy diet. (Quiet Ironically) She values family, and will defend them (and freinds she is especially close to) to the death. She is far from a risk taker, she sticks with what she knows. Jillian hates conflict and do what she can to avoid it. Some what of a peacemaker, but very passive agressive. Perfecting the art of american sarcasm. With a soft heart it is easy to make her cry, but she tries her best to hide it to be strong for everyone else. She is humble and down to earth.
Like every other human being on the earth, she shares traits with the other houses as well. She shares the love of learning with the ravenclaw house. Always wanting to learn everything she can about things she is passionate about. She is a reader and loves books. Her dream job when she was younger was to own a book store, she has an expanisive collection of many books. With a quieter and introverted nature, she is not fond of social events and socilizing with others takes its toll on her. She gets tired after dealing with people. Like a phone, she needs time to recharge. While she is very tolerant of other people, she cannot stand ignorance. Being born and raised in the US definitely shaped her into the open minded person she is.
Like Gryffendors, Jill wants to be remembered for what shes done. She wants people to look up to her, to be her. She has the desire to be a household name and to be known worldwide. Her strong willed streak and passion is what got her in Steal Heratz. She wants to prove herself to others that she is worthy of their attention and love. She wants the approval of others. She is a people pleaser and has a hard time saying no. 
Like a Slytherin, Jillian is ambitious. Wanting to be the best. She has a fear of falling. Whether it be from great heights, or even figureitvely speaking. Public Humiliation is the worst for her, and she will not participate in any hidden cameras or shows that are known for tormenting people like that. It is discusting to her and she doesn't want it done to her. She cares strongly about her reputation and will do everything in her power to keep it in good standing. Her image is very important to her. While she tends to play secrets close to herself and not trusting others to hold them for her, she has no problem listening to others and their problems. Often helping them with solutions. Its when they whine and complain after a solution has been found is when she gets annoyed. 

» Background

Jillian grew up in a house where the arts were important. From a young age she was enrolled in dance classes, piano and singing classes. As she grew older, she came to belive that being thin was pretty. Being light skinned and big eyes were pretty. She needed to be tall to be elegant. To be the perfect ballerina she needed to have no flaws. It was instilled at a young age, she never questioned it when she was told to skip a meal because she was looking bloated. It didn't help that her grandmother was constantly picking at her apperence as well. At that young of an age she had developed that strong desire to be accepted. Her parents started noticing her lack of appetite after dance classes. They didn't think much of it because she usually had snacks in her back to munch on during practice. But the more she lost weight, the more worried they became. When she was 15 she had fainted during a rehersal for one of her shows and had to be taken to the hospital for malnutrition and exhaustion. She was more worried about when she would be able to get out so she could perform because she didn't want to be replaced, which is exactly what happened. She didnt care about her health, she just wanted to perform. As soon as she was released from the hospital her parents sat her down and had a very emotional talk with Jillian about her eatting habits. nobody wanted to admit that she had an eating disorder. It took a second hospital visit a couple months later (for the same thing) to shake Jillian up. At that point she was hearing peoples whispers about her, and she couldnt stand it. Especially with her grandmother telling her that she looked like death no matter what she did to cover it up. She was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. Against the wishes of her parents, she continued with Ballet, but she was forcing herself to eat. At points in time, she actually would cry while eatting. When she started to gain some weight back, she would cry, with her mother. While she cried because she knew she would be critized, her mother cried because her daughter was getting better. When she was 18, She auditioned for Julliard under both dance and vocals. Of which, both were posted on youtube. She was denyed acceptance into their vocal program. She studied at Julliard for a year before being contacted by a scout for the Korean National Ballet who found a video of her dance online. (Which was sent in by her mother.) She was asked to fly to korea to audition there, which was strongly encouraged by nearly everyone. After flying over to South Korea with her parents, she auditioned for a place in The Korean National Ballet. During her stay in Korea, she was approached by a couple of scouts from different companies, asking her to audition. She gave vauge answers and accepted their cards, but waited patiently for the reply from KNB. She had given up her spot at Juliard for a change to be apart of that company. If she didn't make it. She didn't know what would happen. Which of course, is exactly what happened. She wasn't accepted into KNB to the dissapointment of many. After reciving the news she fell back into old habits, lack of eatting and such. But she was encouraged to join one of the companies that scouted her earlier. Which lead her to auditioning at Big Hit and being accepted. Instead of focusing on ballet, she was able to switch over to singing which she hadn't been able to do in a while. Something she enjoyed almost as much as dancing. She picked up on the other styles quickly, but still was dilligent about practicing ballet. Away from her parents. she started forming unhealhy eating habits again. Mainly due to stress and the constant critique of her weight. Just this time it wasn't going away like it did the first time. She would often stay late in the practice rooms just staring at her body and just breaking down because she hated what she saw. She couldn't stand what she was seeing in the mirror. She knows she is destroying her body, she just wants to be beautiful. 

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Reading/Books
  • two: Walking/Exploring
  • three: Learning/Researching
  • four: Dance (She appreciates and enjoys all forms)
  • five: Musicals (She loves musicals and its one of her goals to participate in one.)
» Dislikes
  • one: Herself/Outward apperance
  • two: A love hate relationship with food
  • three: How easy it is to make her cry
  • four: being dependant on others
  • five: Ignorance
» Fears
  • one: falling.
  • two: Public Humiliation
  • three: Her secrets being found out
  • four: not being accepted/dissapointing people
  • five: loss of control
» Hobbies
  • one: Piano
  • two: Dance (Ballet)
  • three: Singing
  • four: Walking
  • five: Book Collecting (As well as reading)
» Habits
  • one: When shes nervous, uncomfortable or distracted she'll play with her jewlery on her hands, occasionally her earrings.
  • two: She sleeps on her stomch or on her side, but she has to have pillows surrounding her, or a person with her.
  • three: Before she can sleep she has to have either a movie or some sort of music playing. Some type of sound to stimilate her while she sleeps.
  • four: she talks to her books and to movies like the people can actually hear her. Thats why she doesn't go out to theaters to see movies.
  • five: She weighes herself every morning and every night. If she is unable to, or forgets, she gets super stressed out during the day and doesn't eat anything.
» Trivia



  • one: Jillian has been dancing ballet for nearly 20 years. 
  • two: She has been taking singing and piano lessions for 11 years
  • three: She has a twitter and instagram that she uses @HANdleingJill albeit it she doesn't use it as often as others do, but she does check it once a week at least.
  • four: Jillian was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa at 15, and continues to battle with it. 
  • five: Jill loves dogs and owns a 10 year old pug named Zelda. Zelda lives with Jills parents, but when she has the time, she takes care of Zelda.
  • six: Jillian has had a boyfriend in the past, but they broke up after she moved to korea. They were apart of the same company in seattle. Their relationship started when they both were accepted into Julliard.
  • seven: While her main focus was on ballet, Jill also has training in hip hop, jazz, contemporary and tap.
  • eight: Jillian has only had one predebut activity, and that was being the female dancer in SJ's music video "Evanescence" Also participating in the dance in most of the live performances
  • nine: when she first started practicing with Super Junior on that song, she was really awkward with the group, but she warmed up quickly to them. Shes closest to Eunhyuk (obviously) and Heechul. 
  • ten: With her blood type being AB, Heechul automatically deemed her part of chocoball (his group of AB friends) .
  • eleven: She loves storms. the sheer power behind them, she is just in awe by them. She loves watching them, often the one who has to be dragged into safety or some where dry because shes out enjoying the storm.
  • twelve: Jill's favorite style of music is Indie. She's a bit of a hipster as her american friends describe her. The Neighborhood, Passion Pit and Hozier are some of her favorites. 
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
BACKUP: Taecyeon

Yoochun has a kind and gentle personality. Some one with a strong sense of responsibility, he definitely has a dominate persona. He likes control and feels uncomfortable in situations he cant help. Somebody who is constantly putting 110% in everything he does, he is passionate. A definite Casanova, he knows how to play women (very greasey). While he will deny it, everyone would agree that he is a total player. A gentleman around women, always opening doors for the female staff, often described as Greasy/Cheesy. He a very caring friend, loyalty is something he values. A skinship monster. Someone who enjoys spending the little moments with people. He has a mischievous and playful nature when he is in comfortable situations. He is stubborn and gets lonely easily. He is his own worst critic. He is observant, and open with others. He doesn't like to hide secrets from people.


Yoochun met through a weird string of friends. Mainly thanks to Eunhyuk, Junsu, Jaejoong, and Heechul. It was one of those things where it was compleatly accidental, yet, it wasn't. It was a celebratory dinner because Jillian had debut and Eunhyuk wanted to celebrate. Heechul was busy hanging out with Jaejoong, but after he heard that Eunhyuk was taking the entire group out, he invited himself along, Jaejoong joinin g as well as the other two members of JYJ. Junsu came because he wanted to hand out with Eunhyuk and food of course. And Yoochun was sort of dragged along. It was awkward at first beings she didn't know really any of JYJ except as respected idols. But they were friendly, and even offered some tips on idol life in general. It wasn't until a month later when eunhyuk sent her a text asking her what she thought of yoochun. Which totally threw her off. She had no idea what to tell him, so she just said that he seemed nice and stuff. she didn't get a response from him after that. And a couple weeks later she gets a text from a random number. Turns out its Yoochun.

Jill and Yoochun are "just friends" (when they say that, everyone rolls their eyes. Theyre a couple with out the title) right now, Jillian can't be any more than that because of her contract and because of his fans. They have a lot in common and he is somebody that she is comfortable around. They dont see each other much in person, but they talk a lot via text/kakao and occasionally video call each other. Both will show support for the other group publically, posting pictures on SNS with merch or albums. Or a video cheering the other on. While their relationship to the public is just two people who enjoys the groups music, both Yoochun and Jill know its more than that. They have to be careful because JYJ/DB5K saessangs are known to be crazy when it comes to dating scandels. While it wouldn't be the first time Jill has delt with stuff like that, the scale that it is on now is what worries both of them. 

Yoochun is a pretty ual guy, Jill doesn't have a problem with it, she even messes around with him, though they havent done anthing yet. Both don't have any plans on marrige. But growing up in america, both are comfortable about their ualities. Being physical people, they show their emotions through touching, ie. Hugs, kisses, hand holding/squeezing, hands on shoulders or the back. In other words, they share a similar love language (Touch)

Some days are better than others, meaning one day she could be all cuddley and fine with him touching her. And the next she could be discugsted by herself and not wanting anybody to touch her because she's not worth it. That's half the reason yoochun and her havent done anything is because she is still having issues with her body and she doesn't want him to see it. For somebody as perfect as him (To her) he doesn't need to deal with somebody as worthless as her (In her opinion.)

She hasnt told Yoochun about her eating disorder and she plans to keep it that way.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I finished this a while ago, I just had to figure out how I wanted Yoochun and Jill to act. Also, the whole love interest thing is optional for you. It doesn't really play much part in who Jill is and you can ignore it if you want. I just put it in there because Yoochun is amazing. I dont care either way. 
I was trying to think of other singers I could use as a face claim, but i ended up using Ailee because she fit the age bracket better. As for a dancing twin I didn't know where to place it. I was just going to use Stephanie Chunmoo. She use to be in the girl group The Grace, shes a soloist now.
SUGGESTIONS: For group songs? Ill suggest a bunch for both groups and sub groups, just because i know a lot of girl group songs. I wont put anything down for soloists, because you'll probably end up usuing the twins for that. But Hope some of these help you out~
Steal Heartz: Huh, One More, Just Go, Get Up, I Feel Good, Up and Down, Why Did You Come To My Home 
Hard Candy: I Dance, Tonight, Iron Girl, Full Moon, I'm Different, Sinister
Toxic: Just Follow, Give Love, My Ear's Candy, If You Love Me, Love Falls
Other Random Ones You Might Like: Good Bye, Hair Short, Too Fancy, Yum Yum Yum, Sixth Sense, Poison, Thank You Very Much, Mask, Marionette, Mama Mia 
SCENE REQUEST: I actually really dont have anything to put here. 
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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ailee is bae-lol listening to her like right now- yasss