✖ DO OR DIE — Caspian Tane


Caspian Tane


Monsterful : jess : 7-8



→ Cas ⋮ what everyone outside of his family calls him. Caspian can be kind of embaressing for others to say outloud. 
→ Tourettes ⋮ a name he got in middle school because of his tremors. He hated it, thus developed his habit of hiding his hands out of sight.

BIRTHDATE:  17/10/1990
BIRTHPLACE:  Hanapepe, Kauai, Hawaii
HOMETOWN:   Hilo, Hawaii
ETHNICITY:   1/2 Thai 1/2 Pacific Islander
NATIONALITY:  American-Thai


→ English ⋮ First language
→ Thai ⋮ He's at the same level as any third year/fourth year student. He knows enough to talk with family, and he can understand even more. But he's not entirely confident about speaking it outside of his family.
→ Hawaiian ⋮ He's no where near fluent, he just knows how to correctly pronouce things and quite a few different phrases. He can also hold basic converstions, but no where near his proficiancy in thai.


FACE-CLAIM: Mike Pirath
BACK UP: Natthew
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 84kgs & 186cm 


His mother often complained that Caspian had to have samoian in him. Cas is a big kid, he's always been one. Standing over 6ft tall, and weighing at 185lbs, Cas is definitely no where near average. But this kid is also no where near overweight. Caspian is a solid mass that seems incredibly intimidating until you actually approach him and realize he's a softie. He's in pretty good shape considering he only really swims and surfs with the occasional dancing and working. Beyond his impressive size, Caspian also has colored hair sometimes. At present it is blue. Its not something he changes often and usually their is a reason behind it. Granted sometimes the reason is just him shrugging his shoulders. Caspian's eyes are also more of a darker amber color than a dark brown. It's even more obvious when the light hits them just right. He also has very prominate natural double lids. His darker skin tone also helps with spotting him in a group. After all, Caspian spends most of his time outside. While he doesn't have any perminante tattoos, he can sometimes be found with airbrushed or henna tattoos on him. He has friends who use him to practice on. (He's large and patient so he's like the perfect person to practice on.) And don't get me started on how perfect his eyebrows are. Like talk about on point. Caspian has rough hands and feet. Calluses all over his feet and a few on his hands from just dancing and other rough activities. (He hates wearing shoes) As well as a few burn scars on his legs and one on his right hand between his thumb and pointer finger. (He caught the torch wrong.) His worse burn was a 2nd degree burn on the bottom of his foot, he had to step on the fire, it was a group performance, so it wouldn't look out of place. It was suppose to be out before he hit that step but somebody messed up and he got burned. It was towards the end of the performance at least. and he left as soon as he was able to get off stage.


as fas as his style goes, Caspian often just wears shorts and a thinner tank or shirt. But just as often, Cas is wearing just his swimming trunks. He hates to wear shoes, but he hates flip flops even more. His style will change when he moves climates. Living in Hawaii, and not really traveling outside of that climate region. (He's visited Thailand with his grandparents.) He hasn't needed to expand his wardrobe collection. But once he moves to Seoul he'll definitely need a new wardrobe. He'll end up with a very trendy street style fashion. Just stuff that look nice and chic.






PERSONALITY TRAITS: Easy Going, Protective, Observant, Underdog-type, persistant/hardheaded/stubborn, Humble, compassionate, empathetic, wary, self concious,  


When people first see Caspian, they usually all have the same first impression. "he's intimidating." Which makes sense, he's tall and built well, and he's not the most talkitive in the world. But all that changes when he smiles (which is pretty often.) He's a giant softie who cares too much about others, and wants to adopt all the animals out of the shelter. (This guy has three cats (Waiola, Myra, Kaholo) and two dogs (Nami and JJ)back home. Well JJ, Jade, and Myra are his dad's, but myra has adopted him.) and cries when something sad happens in movies. Caspian is literally the biggest softie anybody has really dealt with, and he's fine with that. He's comfortable with himself (personality wise for the most part) and he's proud of who he is as a person. (it helps that his dad is always saying how proud he is of how well his son grew up.) He's one of the most compassionate guys out there. This is a kid who will give a homeless person on the side of the street the hamburger he just bought for himself, and talk to them afterwards just listening to their story. He's also incredibly empathetic, which gets people talking to him because he's able to related to them or at least understand. This is one of those kids who gets stopped by people on the street so they can tell him their life story.

On the downside, Cas is incredibly hardheaded. While its good in some situations, it definitely isn't the best in others. He's also very wary of others when it comes to getting closer to people. Mainly because He's focused on his work more than friendships and just doesn't want to put forth the effort if it wont be maintained. He's also self concious about his abilites, especially around other people who are on his level or better than him. He is always talking up others, and offering others tips to help them out. He just doesn't think he can compare to it. Plus he doesn't want to take away the time from others, especially if it wont be as good. (But he has moments of confidence that even the judges wont be able to bring down.) Cas also takes critiques a lot harder than theyre intended. He just puts so much into it, and for it not to be good enough really hurts him. Especially since 'not being good enough' always has resonated with him. With him feeling like his mother never really wanted him, and its always just been a problem he's dealt with growing up. Cas is very much an underdog, but he's always working hard trying to get even better. 

Caspian is incredibly protective with others, even if he's not that friendly with him. He is such a strong beleiver in treating everyone equally. Everyone is human, what makes them any different from him. Cas just doesn't like bullies (who does). Even if everyone knows a physical altercation is going to happen, Cas will still jump inbetween and try to stop it. (which has resulted in him getting hit a bunch.) But he's sturdy, so it never really bothers him that much (Beyond the fact that people were fighting.) Caspian is always keeping an eye on the younger kids and the more vunrible ones. He is especially protective of those kids, always checking in and making sure theyre doing okay. Cas is usually one of the first to sense a mood change and instantly is checking aorund making sure everyone is okay. His biggest flaw is probably that he is more than willing to sacrifice himself, his health, his dreams, to make sure somebody else that wants it just as much (or more) gets what they want. He's a doormat for others.



Cas has a bit of a sad story to him, and it started way before he was even born. Sarah Rojjnasukchai was a second generation immigrant. Her grandparents had made the decision to move to america, and ended up settling in Hawaii. Fast Forward to 1988, she meets Peter Tane, who was a grade ahead of her in high school. He was the very typical boy next door, just with a more islander vibe. Nothing ever really phased him. But that was usually because he was stoned out of his mind. He was an avid smoker. They talked a lot and eventally they started dating. She was a curious type and it wasn't too long after that she started smoking marajuana with him. But she also started getting involved with others who were not nice people. She eventually started experimenting with other drugs. You name it she has probably tried it. In 1990, Sarah was tired of hearing Peter telling her to stop doing all these dangerous things. She could get kicked out of school, she could get kicked out of her house, she could even get peter in trouble. So one day she tricked him into taking some LSD, she disolved a bit into the water he was drinking. She also took some as well and they both don't remember much, but Peter was pissed when he came back around. He was clean cut and didn't want to get involved with any hardcore drugs. He realized that she was spinning out of control and she would either end up in jail or OD-ing on something. (Her drug of choice at the time was Heroin, but she did enjoy LSD.) Not too soon after their break up, Sarah got involved with Henry Tran, who happened to also be the one who got her started on Heroin. She dropped out of school and started living with Henry. Sarah had to be hospitalized in october due to some severe abdombinal pain. Little did she know that she was in labor. At 17 years old, she was addicted to heroin and already a mother to a very premature baby. But due to the fact that she had heroin in her system, the baby was set to go into foster care if he made it out alive. He was bigger for a premie baby, but he was gaunt, he didn't have a lot of fat on his body. His lungs were underdeveloped and he would be going through withdrawls later that night. The doctors estimated that he was roughly 28 weeks due to the various developemental milestones he had hit already. As soon as Sarah was able to be released from the hospital she left and she never came back. When she didn't show up to check on her still unnamed son, her next of kin was informed which happened to be her parents. It was his grandparents who called Peter to tell him he had a son and that Sarah had run off, and if he wasn't able to they could take care of him. There was no way it was going to be Henry's kid, he had been with Sarah for less than 2 months. So Peter came and named him Caspian Tane, after Prince Caspian from The Chronials of Narnia. Mainly because it sounded cool and because it seemed fitting for him. Peter and his grandparents agreed that the grandparents would be the primary care takers and retain sole custody, while Peter would be able to visit whenever he could and when he was ready he could have fully custody.

Caspian had a long fight ahead of him even after he was released from the hospital. He had developed a permanent tremor in his hands from his mother's drug use, as well as quite a few respitory issues and was just all around a difficult baby. He cried often, got sick easily, and didn't like to eat. It wasn't until he was around 4 years old did he start becoming easier to take care of.

When he was six, his father was stable enough and had a decent enough job to take care of both him and Caspian. Caspain loved living with his dad, his dad was fun and loved to take Caspian places to explore. Whether it was the beach or various hiking trails, volcanoes and waterfalls. Caspian was always a curious child, always asking questions and Peter was usually honest and explained as best as he could (Age appropriately) to him. Cas always knew about his mom and her problems, but both his dad and his grandparents always said that she loved him very much. She just had her own problems she needed to figure out before she could be the best parent she could for him.
Cas was 10 when his father enrolled him into dance classes. It was after a discussion he had with his father about his background. Somebody in school had asked him what he was and he didn't know how to answer it and the paperwork that Peter always had to fill out for school, he always just ignored the race questions or just checked other or two or more. The dance class was to help him understand his native hawaiian side, while the time he spent with his parents helped him understand his Thai side. Cas definitely loved his dance classes, he loved learning about the meaning behind each of the different native dances he learned as well as learning the basics in contemporary, hip hop, and ballroom (he hated ballroom.) He soon joined the dance troupe his dance school offered and would often perform on the weekends or holidays at various venues.

When he was 14 he had his first sort of run in with his mother. It was his birthday party and he was opening presents when his grandmother went to answer the door, and she was standing there, looking pretty okay considering all she went through, and she was sober. She just needed a place to stay until she could get back on her feet. Caspian was wary, he didn't want to get attached to her in case she left him again. Not to mention she didn't even remember his birthday. (They were celebrating on the weekend with family, and then on his actual birthday he'd get a party with friends.) Caspian was never alone with her, his grandparents were usually always present. Peter didn't like to be around her, he was still mad at her for everything that she did. But as the years passed and she continued to try to pursue a relationship with him he started to open up more to her and slowly start rebuilding a relationship with her.

Cas was known in his school and area for being a dancer, namely a native dancer, often sharing videos with family on youtube or on instagram (@prince.caspian (He got lucky with that username. it's already taken on twitter hence why he doesn't have one. If a social network already has his username taken then he wont join.)) So it wasn't really a surprise when he friends would joke about sending his videos into places like SYTYCD or various other dance related things. He never thought twice about his friends tagging a random competition in his instagram post. It was a common thing that happened, and he never won anyway. But it was different this time apparently because when he showed up to the studio later that night Eric (his bff, often mistaken for siblings tbh. Golf Pichaya fc) had told him the company wanted a longer video of him dancing, so he sent in one of Caspian's fire dances. Which got him in.       




Likes, dislikes, hobbies, anything else worth mentioning, etc. 

Fire dancing. It's his secret weapon for the show. The only people who know about it is pretty much everyone if they look him up, but as far as he knows nobody besides the staff know of this awesome talent of his. With fire dancing comes his ability to pretty much swallow fire, as well as breathe it. He's not great at breathing fire, so he usually avoids it. He's definitely set himself on fire a few times. Especially when he was 15 and just starting the fire dancing.
Eric Sripituksakul. His best friend is the only reason he's doing this, but honestly this kid could go on for hours why Eric would be better than him at this show. Eric is also a dancer, but he is more into painting than anything else now. (Tbh theyre total #friendshipgoals. I mean this accurately shows their friendship
Nature. This kid would love to just live in a tent and travel around the world if he could. Starry skies, sandy beaches, tranquil forrests, this kid loves to be outdoors whenever he can be. Even dancing, he always avoids studios, much prefering to practice outside when he can. He can find beauty in the smallest things. Like the random pigeons everywhere, to the skyscrapers all over Seoul, to the random Geckos that liked to invade his house back home. And don't get him started on animals. He loves them, espeically tiny animals. (Honestly he belongs on the "big guys small animals" instagram/book/blog. 
Indie Folk/Singer Songwriter. You'd think a guy like him would be into something that went harder than indie folk music, but this kid can't get enough of it. His playlist usually consists of Mumford & Sons, The Paper Kites, Bastille, The Lumineers, and Vance Joy. 
Lilo & Stich. Honest to god he loves this movie so much, but he never annouces it, mainly because he feels like people will roll their eyes at him for it. Because he has to like it, because it took place in hawaii and he lived in the town that they based Lilo's town off of. But he just loves the message behind it and the movie was just so well done. He can go on for hours about that movie. It's one of the only disney movies he likes. (of course stitch was his favorite character. But everyone always use to joke that he was david.) 
Surfing. He knows its super stereotypical, but he was pretty much born swimming, it was a given he'd eventually get on a board and figure that out. He lives on an island and can see the beach practically from his house. He's not the best, but he's not bad. It's just a fun hobby he'd do with friends.
Tremors. Cas has developed a permanet tremor in his hands. It's not super obvious unless you are directly paying attention to it, or if youre just looking at him from a distance. (Because the rest of him is still.) He's developed a habit of keeping his hands in pockets or behind his back out of sight so it doesn't distract others. Its the one thing he is most self concious about. Rarely ever does it come out when he dances though. He doesn't really eat or drink in front of others because he's had incidences where he's trying to eat or drink but the tremor decides to be especially bad and make a mess everywhere because he had something in his hands. But usually theyre just minor shakes. Its because of his mother's drug use when he was in utero.
Adult Cartoons. South Park, Family Guy, American dad, stuff like that really irritates Cas. Its not funny, and can be quite upsetting. 







⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

Cas clears his throat before smiling at the camera. "My name is Caspian Tane, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Kauai, Hawaii." His korean was accented, but understandable. You could tell he was proud of that much, after all his korean is very limited.


⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

"It was my friend Eric," He lets out a nervous chuckle. "My friends like to enter me in contests without telling me, I never really think anything about it. And then the people in charge of Do or Die got in contact with him and that's why I'm here. I would have never thought to try my luck in Korea, I was content just dancing and teaching dance back home," He smiles, "But now that I've gotten a taste of it, I definitely want to see this to the end."


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

"I don't know a lot about the music industry outside of the american one, but I'm willing to learn. I've been doing a lot of research on it lately, especially watching other survival shows. They're all so different I have no idea which one this is going to follow. There's a phrase my dad use to say all the time, "Ua ola loko i ke aloha—he alii ka la'i, he ha Ku'ulani na." It's basically a lot like Karma but it focuses more on the positive side. The more kindness and happiness you put out, the more you get. I would just love to have that effect on people, to bring them happiness." He takes a second to think back to the original question. "As far as me being prepaired, I'm definitely not as prepaired as some of the others, but I am a quick learner and I'm willing to work extra hard to learn everything I need to"  


Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

Nothing super fancy, I've performed but it's not anything on this level. It's incredibly humbling to be in this situation.


⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

"I think my strongest point is the fact that I bring something different to the show. I'm the exact opposite of what others on the show are and what others picture. I'm also pretty hard to forget. Who forgets the super tall guy with the body of a god." He bursts into laughter. "I'm sorry, they told me to say that and I just can't say it with a straight face" He manages to let out between fits of laughter.
"But honestly my different style of dance will definitly make me stand out. The fact that I have no idea anything about the korean music industry or even Korean pop culture, let alone the language. That's going to be where everyone else has the upper hand." 


⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

"That's a good question that I don't have a very good answer for. 'why not'." He shrugs. "I'm just somebody who's interesting, I'd add another dynamic to the show, I'm probably a card you don't have in your deck yet, and as far as I know, a card nobody has in their deck." He pauses, not sure of what to do next. "uh, is that all?"

main talent




STRENGTHS: This kid shines on stage because he enjoys it. While he isn't the best at really anything, his strength lies in his personality. He's fun to be around and he is just genuine. As far as his dancing goes, he hits the beats and he hits them hard. With his background in traditional dance he knows exactly how to put the right emotion into his dance. But he usually does better with stronger and harder songs because he hits the beat just right every time. He balences the group dynamic, a bridge between the older kids and the younger kids, taking care of anybody and everybody. He's the willing punching bag for those who are frustraited and he's the shoulder to cry on when it gets overwhelming. He's the kid you want around because he's genuine, but that's also is what can ruin him. With this industry being the way it is. 

WEAKNESSES: His lack of korean knowledge. He doesn't know a lot about the culture or the language or anything. That'll be his biggest weakness, on top of adjusting to everything. He doesn't start out at the level he could be. Caspian has potential. He is a litteral ball of potential. He knows the basics of dance, after all he was required to know hip hop and contemporary basics on top of his extensive native dance skills. It'll just take a little while for it to come back and for him to get better. His singing is weak but he's constantly working on it. 

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES: Nothing super big besides yearly festivals and hula competitions. He's never been outside of Hawaii. He's performed a lot with his dance troupe and teaches dance at the dance acadamy in his town.


DANCING TWIN: Rome Idk i'm going to figure it out (here are just group dances. I can't find one solo twin but I figure any solo person dancing would work fine for him.)




SCENE REQUESTS: I will come back to this.

PASSWORD: This was his audition dance video thing. But this is probabyl his skill level with hip hop as the show starts. (And hip hop audition lol)



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