The Librarian

  At my school there is a librarian that everyone hates, she is strict, loves rules, and makes awkward jokes. I made it a point (because everyone hates her) to smile at her everytime I enter the library and to be nice to her because there is so much negativity towards her. Through that I have gotten onto her good side and she smiles at me, jokes with me from time to time, and compliments my scarves (I do have fantastic scarves). She is actually not that bad though she can be kind of hard to work with at times.

  One day I walked into the library (as I do every spare) deposited my bag with my friends, left to see a teacher then walked back in. Whereas with most people she would nod and be silent she smiled at me and said 'she's back,' in a joking tone. But here's the thing, it sounded like she was singing the Infinite song. That may just be because I'm kpopified but it seriously did, I mean it. Either way I laughed and gave her an extra bright smile.

  Moral of the story? There is none I just thought it was funny and thought I should put it somewhere.


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It's just a normal scarf from India but it could be used as a hijab or it was meant to be a hijab and I'm using it as a scarf, who really knows :P
Awww thanks, and yeah lots of people are like that (I am too) we need to be sticking up for each other in the world of extroverts.