To my dear fangirls.

So being the weird person I am. I'm working on an argument paper in my Honors class and I need anecdotal evidence. So I thought, why don't I just ask my fangirl team. Lol 

My argument is Asian languages should be taught in all high schools in the US. 
I know some do, but mines doesn't. Lol so I'm spending around 3-4 hours a day studying for a language I honestly could give less care for, but I have to take it in order to graduate. 

PLEASE help me :) 
Just comment what you think about it please, just about how your point
Of view is on Asian languages in the US thanks. 
Comment down here thanks :)))) 


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In middle school, I just had Spanish. Having at least one Asian language is good. But if there is none at your school, you really need to write something about that. That's unfair to the Asian race.
The only language that is asian in my school is Chinese. Although I couldn't take it intill high school. I was in middle school and had to pick something so I picked french. I hate French so much and honestly only made it to French 3 because of stupid extra credit like staying afterschool to help decorate hallways. My friends school have Japanese, something im interested in more than french. Anyway YES asian languages should be taught in Schools.