↳ I.A.B.— sm's new girlgroup— exo's (somewhat) counterpart— Ivey ❀








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Ivey- Poinsettia


Username : nevverland


Nickname : Taylor


Activity Level : 4


Full Name : Lee HaeWon

Other Names : Ivey Lee (Birth/English name)


Nicknames :
***Ivey (just her normal name)
**Tinker Bell (firstly for her size, secondly when she dresses formal she wears lots of sparkles. Also everyone thinks she's kinda sassy, but that's just her American personality)
​**Koala (she loves to snuggle, cuddle, and sleep.)
*Shorty (again, height)


Date of Birth : May 21, 1993


Age : 22


Birthplace + Hometown : San Francisco, CA, USA

Ethnicity : Korean-Caucasian/American


Bloodtype : A


Languages spoken : English / Fluent / born and raised in USA

Korean / Fluent / native toungue 



From My Head to My Toes 


Faceclaim : Park So Ra   

Height + Weight : 160 cm / 43 kg 


Style : Ivey tends to lean towards comfortable clothes on a day to day basis. Although this doesn't make her a lazy dresser. She knows a thing or two about fashion and knows how to dress to impress. She knows how to fit a situation perfectly with what she's wearing and can steal the show in a heartbeat based on her formal outfits.





Appearance : She looks the same. In addition, she only has one, normal, ear piercing, and is not planning on getting any more, same with tattoos. But if she were to get a tattoo she would get one with white ink because she likes the pure image. In addition she has prescription glasses and will wear them sometimes like around the dorm and sometimes out and about


And My Personality Is Cool Too

Personality :  

 Positive:  Determined, selfless, optimistic, encouraging, and introverted, yet personable.

 Negative: Sassy, harsh (on herself and others), self-conscious, insecure, dependent, and awkward (she got that from BingBong. Not that she's an awkward person, but she's just the one who always finds herself in awkward situations)

Ivey has kind of a double-sided personality. She's very reserved and  likes to keep to herself, but has a bit of a "dynamic" side,  thus her inner American "sass" can slip out in public unintentionally. She feels the need to change her quiet reserved self and fit the "k-pop image". She comes off as really independent, although she is pretty clingy and dependent behind the scenes She's never short of optimistic, always wanting to encourage others to do their best. She's also quite determined herself to improve her abilities as much as she can. As you can tell by how she dresses formally, she knows a lot about fashion, even if she doesn't show it daily. Her friends would often ask her for advice on what to wear, and she can piece outfits together with almost anything. 

Again, she's a really laid back person who doesn't seek attention (unless she has to). She would rather be extremely close to a few people than be friends with everyone. Although this is the case, that doesn't mean that she's not good with other people, she can definately hold a conversation and is really good with person to person interaction, and is outstanding in variety. She can put on a more confident persona while on camera. She's also extremely personable since she can normally match moods really well and has dealt with lots of struggles that the younger idols are going through. She's a real people pleaser, partially one of the reasons that she's trying so hard to change her image and become a better leader, and wants to make other people happy. When brought into the right light, this shows how extremely loving she can be to others. If someone needs help with something or wants opinions or advice, she is there for them. She's trying to become more of an outgoing person and tries to joke around with people and tease them. As this is not her strong suit, some people find the little things she does to be sassy. This is just a simple quirk of hers. This could also just be her American lifestyle. 

With being a people pleaser, she can also get really self-conscious and insecure- worrying if she's not good enough or not what people want. She can unlike keeping her doubts locked inside, she seeks people she is really close with and trust them with honest advice. This makes her a really dependent person and clings to certain people rather easily. In addition, although she enjoys time to herself, she dreads being alone. Due to her own insecure feelings, she can be rather harsh on herself, and in response might be a little harsh to others, but it's not her fault and she's not trying to. She sometimes can sense she's being to harsh on people and then gets super apologetic and then gets more self-conscious. The cycle just continues. 


Likes :

— Sleep
— Cuddling/hugging
— Snuggling up with lots of blankets
— Fashion
— Making others happy
— Glitter/Sparkles
— Water with citrus (lemon, lime, and orange)
— Activities that involve cuddling/getting comfortable (ie. movies, blanket forts, board games, late night talks...)
— Writing
— Singing (duh)
— Iced coffee
— Baseball (specifically the San Fransico Giants WHO WON THE WORLD SERIES AYYYY!)


Dislikes :

— Being alone
— When people steriotype her without knowing anything about her
— When people assume things because she is American
— Parties (or loud crowded places in general)

— Being too harsh on others or coming off as rude



— Scary things (gets frightened easily)
— People not liking her
— Being a failure

— Being alone


— Sleeping
— Putting together outfits
— Shopping
— Journaling (about the day's happenings and things to improve on)
— Writing lyrics/recording


— Being really "clingy" with people she's close with
— Getting anxious before a big event
— Falling asleep really easily

— Sleeping hugging an old stuffed rabbit that her (not biological) father gave her, and if she doesn't have that she needs to be hugging something in her sleep. (it makes her not feel alone)
— Unintentionally being harsh


             Trivia :

— Surprisingly not a touchy feely person and dislikes skinship UNLESS she is super close to that person, and then she will never let go and be super touchy with them. (and will expect it in return)
— She can fall asleep just about anywhere if she has a blanket.
— There are 7 blankets in her dorm room
— She has seasonal allergies
— She hates fast food and sodas.
— Her ideal weather is sweater weather
— She has a talent for fashion and makeup although doesn't use it often
— She would prefer to eat snacks throughout the day instead of big meals
— She secretly wishes she could be a model, although she knows her size would not allow it.
— She has taught herself to write lyrics and has special journal for them, although she doesn't let others read them
— She secretly records ballads of the lyrics she writes and dreams to become a soloist.
— Really low alcohol tolerance so she doesn't like to drink.

— She gets terrible period cramps


Please Look at Me as If You're at Least Passing Me By


At age 18, Ivey's mother, Lee SooJung, moved to America to become a fashion journalist. Traveling from city to city she settled in San Francisco where she fell in love with a man. Two years later, when her mother was only 20 years old, Ivey was born. Her lover said despite the child, they were too young for marriage. Around November of Ivey's second year, her mother and biological father had a mutual break up and her mother continued to raise the child by herself. They were content and rather happy where they were at, SooJung continued her job as a fashion journalist, bringing a little Ivey with her on all her work errands. It wasn't until Ivey turned 6 that her mother, by fate, met her perfect match: Jack. Head over heels for each other they got married after only a year becoming the perfect piece to complete their family. He was literally the definition of a perfect father: supportive, encouraging, coached softball little league, carying her on his shoulders, all that fatherly stuff as if she were his own child.

As a child, Ivey loved accompaning her mother to fashion shows, designer studios, and everything that came along with the job. She dreamed of being like her mother when she got older and wanted to also be in the fashion industry. During the time, however, she had a different calling. She wandered around singing songs she heard on the radio and making up little songs on her own. She grew up writing poetry and lyrics, enjoying the rythem of words. As she got older she joined her high school's chior and sang in competitions, making her mother and father proud and happy that their daughter is passionate about what she did and supported her 100%. She then traveled to LA to audition for SM Entertainment and soon packed her bags and got on a plane to Seoul. 



Family :

Mother || Lee SooJung || 39 || Fashion Journalist || Supportive, helpful, loving, passionate, encouraging, unorganized || alive || Close knit relationship, lived perfectly fine on their own before Jack came along, and even better when he did. She would bring Ivey with her for work and gave her a passion for fashion. She's a little messy and unorganized, but she means well.


Non-Biological Father || Jackson (Jack) Everett || 43 || Writer || "perfect father", supportive, good sport, loyal, encouraging, easy going, sarccastic, funny || alive || Very close, it's almost as if he was her actual father. He was the "perfect father" figure, coaching her softball team as a child, giving her little gifts here and there, dancing around with her in the living room, all that jazz. 


Cousin|| Lee Hongbin || 22 || Member of VIXX || handsome, awkward, extremely clean, Park Hyoshin Fanboy || alive || Never met before and didn't even know the other existed until she moved to Korea to train. He was supposed to pick her up at the airport, but being the awkward Bean that he is, he felt uncomfortable meeting her for the first time. It was double the awkward because she had no clue he was an idol until he took her with him to a photoshoot directly after he picked her up. Her mom left out that minor detail when she told her that her sister had a son who lived in Seoul. She's started to call him BingBong in light situations.

Best friends : Ravi is one of her best friends, but he's described later so yeah. Same with BingBong, but that came in the family job description.

Han SangHyuk || 20 || Member of VIXX || personality (you can write either a few sentences or list down positive and negative traits) || Since Ravi and Hyuk share a room, they are often all together. Hyuk will tease Ivey a lot (as he does with everyone) and will have normal conversations/discussions with her (as if she's not sitting in his roomates lap while he hugs her from behind and props his head on top of hers.)

Friends : Actually doesn't have than many friends in Korea yet despite her beign here for so long. She makes accuaintances in the company walls, but until she has a group to call her own, she's not extremely close to anyone yet. (other than VIXX- but we blame BingBong for that one.)


Amber Liu || 23 || Rapper of f(x) || Hilarious, real, chill, super cool, everyone's friend || Met walking the halls of the SM building when she overheard Ivey talking on the phone with her family in English. She was quick to introduce herself and make friends. Amber takes Ivey to the "Kpop English Speakers get togethers" because we know they all have them.


The rest of VIXX|| 20-25 || VIXX || for obvious reasons/relations. They've become her best friends since she was the first people she met when she moved to Korea and just grew really close to them. 



Rival : Tries to avoid conflict such as rivals at all cost, but I guess anyone who brings it on themselves would be a rival to her.

Love Rival : none


Again Today, They Keep Looking at Only Me  

How did you get into the agency : Ivey auditioned in LA, California at one of the SM Global Auditions in when she was 15. She passed the audition with her calming voice and was quickly shipped to Seoul to begin training. 


How were your trainee days : During her trainee days she was kind of an outcast. She was used to singing sweetly, not with the pop-ish vibe. She trained extremely hard to become more powerful of a singer and to learn pop aspects of singing. This came rather easily to her, but that never stopped her from hardcore training- never thinking she was good enough. She constantly encouraged the younger trainees and helped them develop their skills. As the younger trainees debuted before her, she just assumed she wasn't good enough and trained even harder, thinking that was the only reason she hadn't debuted yet. She never once thought that maybe the company saw her as having potential for something else (such as being a leader).

Number of trainee years : 6 years


Stage name: Ivey (normal name)

Persona : The Personable Ajumma (since she can relate to people, takes on as a leader, and has been training for so long)

Position : Poinsettia - Leader, Lead Vocalist


Back up position/plotline :  Iris- Main Vocalist, Dancer, Overall Face


Fanclub name : Vines (you know, since her name is Ivey)

Fanclub color :  #00cc66 


Singing twin : Yenny (Wonder Girls)  


Dancing twin : Sunny (Girls Generation)   (she danced a little in the second one..)


Rapping twinnot a rapper


Talking twin: Krystal Jung



Kim Wonshik

Ravi, 23, VIXX


Personality First off let me just say that Ravi is a very, VERY attractive person. I've seen them live and holy crap that man is hot. Now to the actual description. Ravi is truly a gentleman. Having a younger sister that he looks after dearly, he really knows how to treat a lady. With guys however, he is a total bro. He is also considered the "mood maker" of the group and is often the voice of the group during interviews and questioning. He's also big into composing and has a lyrics notebook that he never separates with (like Ivey). He has written lyrics for several of VIXX's songs, including Light Up The Darkness and Secret Night, the latter creating suspicions and endless teasing due to the ual lyrics who knows the truth behind that though. He's actually had the least dating experience in VIXX. 

Ravi is one of those people who just give you the warm and fuzzies. Even though he has become manlier since he his debut, he still has his boyish charm. He is a bit of a dork VIXX TV beep anyone? and his hilariously "gangster" Engrish. His voice is really low and relaxing, making his adorable laugh sound more like a deep chuckle. He is also pretty comfortable with skinship and loves s dearly. He also loves to sleep and can fall asleep anywhere, snoring like a freight train. 

Saying Ravi's younger sister is his life, I feel like he would be extremely protective of his significant other, almost to the point of overprotective and super clingy. That's no problem for Ivey though, as she is also kind of clingy and can be sometimes become depentent on others and would like to feel protected. He can be a little loud sometimes too, but knows when it's time to get serious. When he laughes he covers his mouth with his fist and it's just super adorable, okay? Also, he has two tattoos as of recently. One above his right elbow that says "forever young"  and one on his left clavicle that says "yolo you only live once". I know it's so dumb but whatevs. You do you, Tin Man.


Softly Look at Me and Hug Me

How you act around each other


How you met :  When Hongbin took her to the photoshoot, she was surprised obviously that he was an idol in a boy group. Ravi was the first one to catch her eye. I'm telling you he's super attractive in person okay. When it was other members turns for individual shots, the members would come up and talk to her. Ravi and Ivey had the best conversation and just really hit it off. And then another person was added to the 93 line's shenanigans. 


Do you want to end up with your love interest

In this time span, I would actually prefer that the never go public, and actually never become "official" themselves. They both have this silent agreement at one point that they both like each other (just by how they act around each other) but have more of a best friend kind of relationship than a couples relationship. Don't get me wrong the love to hold hands, hug, cuddle, Ivey will sit in his lap, they'll sleep next to each other, give sweet little pecks on the forehead and cheeks and do all those cute coupley things behind closed doors (not in thatway you sickos! Just like never public in the slightest) They have a really trusting relationship with each other, but keep it professional and friendly when in public. It's kinda like they never agreed that they were dating they just kind of mutually assumed that they were at a certain point. 

Several years in the future they're still keeping their relationship on the down low, and despite thier hectic schedules still manage to stay together. And even later than that, when their idol lifes are over, they begin to compose and produce songs together for companies or for their own pleasure. I'd love for them to get married and start a family in the far future, but they could also split up but keep the coworker/friend relationship. Your choice.


What do you want to happen between them during the story : Them quickly begining to get along well together and the development of thier relationship. Lots of cuddling and cutesy things.

Back up love interest : Jung Taekwoon- because why the heck not?


Take It to the Move



Comments/questions : I hope I fixed everything to your liking! If not, please let me know!! ^-^ Sorry if I called Hongbin BingBong a couple times. I blame Tumblr for that. 

I hope it isn't too late to apply!! I'd love to do this! And I didn't know who to put as a back up because idk who else would be good for her personality type. So I put Leo-ah because he's the birthday boy so he gets that spot. So yay! But if you think there's a better match for a back up then by all means let me know. 


Scene requests : When Ravi reads her lyrics for the first time, cute Rivey moments, her interactions with other trainees.








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