Free from all of my tests!

That's right, I finally finished all of my tests! /cries tears of joy

I finished taking my chemistry and US history SAT IIs today and omg when I walked out of that classroom, I was just thinking about how I was finally free from worrying about all of the tests I had to take. That and this guy who was in the same classroom as me who also happened to be a classmate of mine from elementary school.

The tests were a bit challenging though, to be honest, but that's probably because I left all of my studying for the last minute. Well, I started studying a bit over the summer but once the school year started, I put it off to the side because of my college classes and everything and that was not a good idea. Chemistry was the toughest of the two that I took today. I think I omitted like 20 answers and for US history, I omitted about 20 as well.

I'm actually really concerned about what my score will be like because I know that I got quite a few questions wrong. I can already see the 400 on the computer screen already.

I really should stop being so pessimistic but I'm only acting this way because I don't want to get my hopes up and everything. Even my teacher, Ms. B, told me to stop saying stuff like that and that I would do fine but it's just how I am.

On the bright side, I can finally get to relax. Sorta because I still have to finish up the last bits of my college applications but that's okay with me since I already have majority of it done.

Also, hope you all had a nice Halloween! I know this is super late but better late than never, right?

Speaking of Halloween, I went on the senior Halloween trip to Bayville Scream Park in Long Island and let me tell you something: I was so done with everything after I got out of the first haunted house. It felt like we were in there for an hour because we kept on taking the wrong turns or running back because we were too scared of what would lie ahead. My head afterwards from all the screaming I did so my friend and I decided to skip the second haunted house that we were offered. However, I did get to do some indoor rock climbing in the arcade so that cheered me up a bit.

The night was pretty fun but once I got into bed, I had to grab my teddy bear and hug it as if my life depended on it in order to fall asleep OTL

Oh! I even did my nails! I did galaxy nails like a week before Halloween, like the night right after the ACT and they turned out pretty nicely. I hate how the stars I made look fat but the effect I got with a kitchen sponge wasn't that bad. The middle nail turned out the best so that made me really happy :D

The ring finger was supposed to be the Little Dipper but I was feeling tired and unconfident so I decided to just use a sequin from my glitter polish and stuck it on.

So yeah, everything's over now and all I really have to worry about is my college applications, AP psychology test in March (???) and senior activities like prom!

Thanks for reading all of this and giving me a whole bunch of support and everything. It was really fun keeping you guys posted about my progress and since it helped with relieving some stress, I think I'm going to continue blogging about my experiences during the remainder of senior year c:


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