〈 three differences 〉 — the jock ; ueda, kanae 。

 ueda kanae。上田 香苗
NAME  ueda kanae [ 上田香苗 ]
— kana [ カナ/ used by close friends & classmates / a simplified ver of "kanae"; it is often accompanied with "-chan", "-kun" or nothing at all.

— bakanae / used by masahiro yuu / because he's used to seeing kanae stumble around (being the klutz that she is), he's combined the japanese word for moron and kanae together, resulting in an insufferable pun that he's used since they were kids. "DAMMIT, BAKANAE!" "I'M SORRY!!!"

— klutzilla / used by badminton club /  despite being a flairly good player, she is still the resident klutz of the team, though they find it kinda cute.
AGE  17 [ second year ]
BIRTHDAY  april 14th

BIRTH PLACE naha, okinawa, japan
HOMETOWN naha, okinawa, japan

ETHNICITY full japanese
— japanese / mothertongue / pretty self-explanatory - although there are times where she's a mumbling mess and becomes awfully incoherent.

— english / moderate + learning / despite it already being an assigned school subject, kanae takes the time to expand her knowledge by listening to a vast amount of music, reading plenting of books and being exposed to a few american shows here and there. her mother has also studied abroad before, so studying becomes easy and enjoyable at home.
♡  fall down seven times, stand up eight — a japanese proverb  ♡
  the  high school appearnce。
FACE CLAIM chitanda eru [ hyouka ]
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

BACK UP FACE CLAIM to be later decided
— 1 / 3 / 4 gallery

APPEARANCE  ueda kanae is a shapely young woman that stands at approximately 165cm [ 5'5" ] and weighs at 56kg [ 123lbs ]. she has straight, mid-length black hair with a straightly cut fringe right above her forehead. when styled, her hair will most often be draped below her shoulders or roughly brought into a high ponytail (during badminton practices especially). her eyes are of an indigo-purple and are notably large; this is a key feature to her appearance and easily differenates her from other girls. her body is well-developed (prominently around the chest-area where she sports a good c-cup), but does not bulk around too toned or muscle-y. she is actually a bit chubbier than she seems, evidently around the cheeks. she also carries no scars (despite always getting herself hurt, somehow) or peircings anywhere along her body. she does however have a oddly shaped birthmark on the back of her right thigh; very few people have seen it.

STYLE  kanae's style is generally very feminine, but will go from all florals to a plain tee and some shorts within time; she isn't too hasty about fashion. when she is not wearing her uniform at school, kanae is mainly seen in probably simple, dainty clothing. the kind that is not too tight around the curves and enables her to move freely whenever, whereever. these kinds are often spring or summer-like dresses, cardigans, blouse tops, sweaters, hoodies, caprees and at times her mother's old jeans. kanae doesn't particularily wear anything fancy when it comes to going out with friends, either for she seems to prefer casual clothing than formal ones. at home she is very simple and tends to dress a little carelessly. consistently it will be of shorts, pajamas or one of yuu's old shirts that he never seems to wear anymore. kanae is also not too big on accessories and prefers to keep away from high-heels and makeup above all else.
  the high school you。
— [ + ] upbeat, eccentric, good-natured [ - ] impetuous, doltish, clumsy

* UPBEAT // : despite having a jock's reputation, kanae isn't all that rough and tough as she's suppose to be. rather, she's a perky little creature that frolicks around with a positive mindset. giddy smiles and excited exclamations are about as rough and tough as she can get. she's the type to move to the beat of her own drum and finds that there is no reason to ever hate on another person. there are no such thing as bad people, as she'd say. there are just people who make bad mistakes; she's a pacifist if you will. but, that doesn't mean she's a angelic little goody-two shoes. no, no. kanae is just an energtic girl that does her best to find good in anyone and everyone. a girl that doesn't like seeing people frown or get angry, and thus decideds to be a goofball of happiness that goes around sprinkling genki-ness all over the place. if you needed someone dorky and cheerful, then kanae's your girl! she'll laugh at her own punny jokes and sings songs like nobody's looking. she'll even break into dance if you wanted her to, despite being easily embarrassed. it's better to laugh at yourself than have others laugh at you.

ECCENTRIC // : kanae is also a bit of an oddball. along with being a complete doof, she's a little out of the ordinary. if cracking lame jokes and singing songs wasn't enough, then there's more to kanae than there seems. for instance, she tends to have her head stuck up in the clouds, always day-dreaming or thinking of adventure - because what better way to spend your time? and when her peculiar head's up there, you may find the girl even talking to herself or simply staring at a random flower. no one really knows why she's like this, they just know she's a little weird - if not a little strange. she is also awfully out-going, though, she isn't entirely risky. she's aware of most of what she's does and of course, will never intentionally do anything to get into trouble. being eccentric ties in with being totally laidback in your own little world and kanae is constantly residented there. if you find her one day just lying in the grass, don't worry, she isn't dead. she's probably just on "vacation".

GOOD-NATURED // : she is aways open to making new friends, and usually doing so by chatting up about anyone she lays her eyes on. whether it be a feared, a nerd or a jock like herself, kanae may break possible boundaries and do her best to communicate. she hates to see anyone down, and it causes her to think she can friend anyone in the world. maybe it's because she is terribly optimistic, but kanae easily accepts others. even rude- pricks are approachable; if it weren't for her friends holding her back, she could be in plentiful jars of trouble. but, being good-natured often has it downsides. when you're kanae, you're doing things out of complete generousity. if someone is bossy enough to not want to do work, than kanae will not complain. instead, she'll take the job over just to be sure nobody's upset. she's easily taken advantage of that way, but the girl really doesn't mind. if she can make another's day, then there's no harm in a little more work.

IMPETUOUS // : i guess you could say she does a lot without thinking. for example, when she's constantly trying to be a good person and helping out people she doesn't find suspicious. or when she's befriending people she shouldn't be befriending. she does a lot of things out of impulse and it's a horrible habit she carries. at times it can also cause her to be awfully stubborn. if she wants something done, then there's nothing to keep her from trying! giving up is not something she follows, for "fall down seven times, stand up eight"; by being so straightforward with action, she will often need someone to rescue her her from falling. but she doesn't always like everyone's help and prefers to do things on her own. even if she's a giver herself, she won't like recieving. if something has to be done, then kanae is going to get done. she doesn't need another's assistance to do that even if you told her so.

DOLTISH // : part of being terribly impulsive is also because she's a great big dolt. as smart as she is academically, kanae is not the brightest. sure, she's got a 100-watt smile, but her as a whole can notcompete. she's dense on a whole different level, far too childish in too many ways and is always playing the fool for no real reason because that's what she finds right. being silly and awkward is just something she does well, and if that isn't something to worry about, then i'm not sure what is. a dolt such as kanae is a dolt that can never take a proper hint. and that is just the least of anyone's problems - or at least, it's obviously part of them.

CLUMSY // : last, but not least, kanae is a wreck on legs. she is always managing to wobble around and trip over herself somehow. and if it's not her walking on clouds, it's really her falling face first or running into doors. only god knows how she manages to play badminton right, and not so shabby as well. it's just questionable as to why she constantly ends up on the floor or the foot of her stairs. this trait also follows along with dropping things or being forgetful. it could potentially add up to her gullible-ness and act of minor mistakes too, because she is always, somehow making them. being bad on her feet and having butter fingers, however, doesn't change that she is still always smiling. even if she has rough days or she's actually hurting, kanae will remain smiling. like every other human, she will always make mistakes. and like every other human, she bares emotions that hurt or feel. someone like kanae just tends to sheild those away to be that person to look forward to. not everyone can grow to like kanae for who she is, when she's always being a try-hard and always struggling to stand. still, for as many stumbles as she goes, kanae will always mean well and will always try her hardest.
  the high school life。
PAST  like most freshman, entering highschool is a great achievement and it's a time to discover many things! kanae discovered how students become categorized. she became a little distant for a good portion of that time, as she clung to her childhoodfriend's side. had it not been for yuu being with her, kanae would probably not have been as cheerful or as hyperactive as she is today. for a majority of that time, kanae would only talk to yuu, mainly due to the assumption that she was a nerd before her sports activies, and although she was quite quiet, she still managed to enjoy herself by observing. she learned that highschool's quite chaotic and that kids are not always happy, but that wasn't stopping her from being happy herself. kanae eventually came out of her shell during the middle of the year when yuu pushed her to join a club. badminton, though, wasn't too popular. kanae was okay with that though; in fact, by joining the club, kanae began opening up a much more and figured she'd embrace it.

PRESENT compared to last year, kanae is far more open to talking with people and being as friendly as she can be. but, she's still not used to all the groups - the feared, the nerds, jocks. kanae still can't believe people consider her a jock just because the badminton club has won a few competeitions and that they don't really . she's not very comfortable with all the other jocks either, and in fact would have gone back to being considered a nerd if she knew what was coming. it's not too bad though, despite being constantly reminded that everyone belongs to a group. kanae chooses to ignore all of this and just enjoys her time with her friends doing stupid things and eating lots of food while suffering plenty hours of homework.

  • she's  dedicated to badminton club
  • she is known for being one of the aces on her team (refrains from being a klutz during games)
  • has been playing badminton since she was 9, but doesn't plan on making it a profession
  • is a crybaby, but doesn't like crying in front of other people
  • likes romance bc it's cute ok it's cute
  • kind of loves flowers - like a lot, lot, lot
  • doesn't like secrets esp. if you keep them from her (will respect them, however)
  • has a habit of invading personal space
  • talks to herself a lot (often mumbles)
  • tends to hum when she's extremely tired
  • adores skinship bc hugs and pats on the head are so nice
  • her first crush was on a boy in eigth grade
  • wakes up late like all the time
  • often snorts during laughter, but not frequently (on and off)
  • finds animals super cute and really wants a pet
  • can't sing or dance to save her life # lanky
  • there are times when she breaks out into song
  • she's an easy blusher, but it's usually her own fault
  • is super-duper ticklish like "pls don't touch me! yamete!!!"
  • she tells yuu basically everything
  • apologizes a lot bc heh klutzilla !!1
  • more to be added late 0n desu
  the high school friends and blood。
   YOU'   NEVER AL NE...
— mother / ueda, tsubaki [ 上田椿/ 42 / gentle, sincere, doting, cheerful
kanae is quiet close with her mother and in some ways she considerers her a bestfriend. her mom basically knows everything about her, even when she hasn't said anything. she is kanae's mother afterall and that's one of the things kanae likes best about her. she usually spends her chatting with her mom, maybe watching her in the kitchen or getting tips on english. in general, the two are hardly ever situatated in arguments - unless of course, it's about boys because tsubaki is quite the romance-lover. she loves to love, love.

— father / ueda, ryousuke [ 上田涼介 ] / 45 / jolly, childish, playful, honest
she may not be as close to her father as she is with her mother, but still, they have a good relationship with each other. they're not being as buddy-buddy and all, bwould say they are a typical father and daughter. he is the overprotective daddy that is always too attachesd to his little girls; most of the time he's embarrissing kanae, but it's always out of love. and kanae, being kanae, never really minds. she's as embarrassing, really.

— younger sister / ueda, ayame [ 上田菖蒲/ 05 / sweet, energetic, peculiar, homespun
being said that kanae's massively energic herself, she and her sister get along well. in fact, they have a very special bond where they watch baby shows on the tv, read books to each other or color in many coloring books. if it's not that they're singing songs, heading to the park or going out to the store together. and if there is a time where they happen to fight, it isn't something that'll last too long. they can hardly stay away from each other.

— childhood friend / masahiro, yuu [ 正洋優/ 17 / flamboyant, aggresive, loud, reliable
they are not your typical set of bestfriends for they act more like siblings than just childhood besties. when together, these two are almost inseperable. if someone were to get in the middle of that, the two would easily find ways to find each other again. in a sense, they are soulmates - but, not romantically. in this relationship, is the obvious upper of the two, for he is constantly nagging the girl for her mistakes or not putting on a sweater. yuu also happens to baby kanae a lot, and although it may sound silly to some, it's actually the sweetest thing. yuu also doesn't mind how clingy kanae is towards him, and if anything it makes him feel less worried about her. if there is a day when kanae is not flailing towards him, then there could be something wrong. kanae in this case, appreciates the way yuu treats her. he's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to her. he's her bestfriend and she couldn't ask for anything more. he doesn't classify into a group.

— closefriend + teammate / masayuki, michiru [ 正幸ミチル ] / 17 / level-headed, competetive, assertive, kind
michiru is someone she met during her first year of highschool. they both had joined badminton together, and when the club did not have as many members, they made their ways towards each other. together they are decently good friends who often hang out together for a little girl time. these two almost always have something to talk about, and although michiru is a little more on the mature side, the two still click and match up wonderfully. it helps that michiru and yuu have also become good friends, because now kanae has two of a kind to watch over her. she is also a jock.

— neighbour / fujishima, benma [ 藤嶋べんま ] aka "granny ben" / 93 / wise, endearing, reassuring, sweet
she is someone yuu and kanae see every morning on their way to school. she is also sitting on her porch and it's safe to say that the two hardly know anything about her. she does bring up a chat or two, though. she spends most of her time observing the neighbourhood she live in and enjoys it when the children ask if she's doing well.
  okazaki koutarou。岡崎  鋼太朗
FACE CLAIM  oreki houtarou [ hyouka ]
— 1 2 / 3 / 4 5 gallery

— 1 / 3 / 4 gallery

— kou / used by masahiro yuu / a simplification of "koutarou"

SUMMARY unlike kanae, koutarou is quite the introverted person. he's the type of guy who doesn't speak unless spoken to, doesn't go out of his way to make friends and doesn't state his opinions unless they're really needed. because of this, he's often looked upon as unapproachable, but people like kanae come around to break that. koutarou is often a little awkward, never knowing what to do around certain situations when there are so many people invovled, and you can just imagine him being the kid that sits in the corner of class, just reading a book all alone. koutarou is also never trying to fit in like others. he doesn't feel the need to be like everyone else and prefers to not get into a certain crowd. that's probably why he only has one friend - and yuu claims to be his first. however, koutarou isn't too much of a cold person. sure, he doesn't talk a lot and finds little interest in things, but he's secretly really dorky on the in. if you spend enough time with him and crack open his usually locked doors, you'll see that he's just as exuberant and childish as kanae. you've just gotta find the right timing, since he's not the type of guy who likes showing you those sides to him. if anything, he's just a little tsundere, as the nerdy, otaku within him would say.

  • yes, he's an otaku
  • he may be chill, but he actually has a peverted side that he's embarrassed about
  • he can easily be bribed by food
  • secretly has a lovely singing voice and plays piano
  • other talents include eating and naming all kinds of anime
  • he's not always picked on for being a nerd because some people find him intimidating, but boys find ways to bug him anyhow
  • girls also make him nervous, but he keeps his cool
  • he doesn't know what he wants to be or what he wants to do
  • girls are either interested in him or super creeped out
  • has a pure white cat name yuki [ female ]
  • already had his first kiss w/ his first love (she moved away)
  • yuu is the only person to have successfully befriended him
  • more to be added later 0n desu
♡ even monkeys fall from trees — a japanese proverb ♡
  high school love。
FIRST MEETING they were met with an unfortunate accient. well, an accident that occured during badminton practice, so to say. kanae was simply practicing her swing when suddenly her racket went flying out of her hand - and straight across to okazaki koutarou, who got it right in the face. serves kanae right for her lame butter fingers. she was later met with a fairly upset koutarou, who called her out for being so clumsy. he later realized that it was also his own fault, for carelessly walking in the middle of their pratice and apoloigzed for lashing out. it was then kanae brought koutarou to the nurses office and tended to his wounds (how shoujo-ish of them, eh?). soon names were exchanged, goodbyes were finally made and they'd later find out that they shared a mutual friend. it only furthered kanae's determination to get to know the guy, despite him being a so-called gloomy nerd.

RELATIONSHIP because koutarou is not used to company, he is never really sure what to do around kanae, and finds himself awkwardly trying to shrug her off. but, because kanae is such a presisent little thing, he always ends up failing. in this typical relationship, is it quite like a "senpai notice me" sort of thing. kanae is always trying to get koutarou's attention, simply because she finds him rather intriguing. she is always following him around, reading over his shoulder or bumping into him violently when she seems him down the halls. other times she is chatting up a storm while koutarou sits there in silence. you would think that with a personality such as koutarou's, he would be heavily annoyed by the girl's presence. that is not the case. truthfully, he pays no mind to the overly energetic girl. he may not be as out-going or as seemingly chipper as she is, but i can tell you that he doesn't hate the kanae. sure, he isn't always laughing along to her jokes or being as enthusiastic about the same things - koutarou actually likes listening to her. especially her laughter. kanae just likes that he's super kind and doesn't push her away. they both enjoy each other's company, both subtly and unsubtly. and even if they aren't anything love-dovey, they gradually get there. the longer they're getting to know each other, the more they comfortable they become. whether it's their hands brushing against one another, their eyes meeting or their bodies awkwardly colliding, they will find a like for the other's presence. it may be quite shy at first, but soon the formalities will break, a something budding will occur.

CONCLUSION somewhere along the line, the two will realize they like each other, koutarou being the first of the two, since kanae is too obvlious to see it. and around the time their feeling develop, things start to happen. their comfortable aura grows embarrassing, and the two scramble away from each other. other times, they are running away because OH GOD, MY HEART IS DOING THE DOKID0OKI THING AGAIN. it isn't until yuu is there to push the two together does something actually happen. one of the two will end up confessing, and as messy as it is (no matter how much they'll deny it) their feelings eventually break through. the process is unbeleivably slow, however and they don't start dating right away. although, a kiss or two definetly wouldn't hurt.
  the high school goodbye。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS i haven't written an application in forever, so i'm rusty and sad. omg. my writing has gotten worse !!1 nooO. but, at least i tried. sorry for it being really crappy. can't think of back-up faceclaims either, so pls give me time for that. orz asdfgh. thanks for making this anime-fic though! oh, god they're just wonderful. my anime feels are coming back to me and everything. heh heh. i don't remember what i was going to say, so i'm gonna stop here. i spend the whole day typing this up -- it's like 1:57 am now. should sleep. get rest. bAhalHAJKHhkal HO. 

p.s my laptop's super laggy! i'll come back to edit typos.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS i'll also come back for this later !!1 ;;

PASSWORD  cardcaptor sakura or tokyo mewmew



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So much Hyouka ;^; omg and Kanae is beyond cute and so is her relationship and I freaking love badminton and omg just so adorable.
This is beautiful