where's everybody going?


Why are people leaving left and right? I feel like there was a memo that I missed out on. Just a few minutes ago one of my unnies said she was leaving in a blogpost. A lot of my friend post updates these days have been goodbye letters or long hiatus statements. I'm really upset, to be quite honest. I feel like I'm alone here. Some people that I love talking to haven't logged on in a while. AFF is still too much of a baby to be going out of style, right? Tell me I'm right, please.

I love this site. But, what's a website without the people? I'm not saying everyone left, nor will I leave(anytime soon). But, I'm just sad to see so many great authors and friends abandon AFF. They have a right. Life gets busy and sometimes they just lose the will to write or make graphics. But, 'leaving' sounds so scary. Can't they just take a break? Something less permanent where I can at least say that I'll wait for them. All I'm saying is that the mood's been down for me and I'm sure for others, too. We need some big, happy event where everyone can participate and meet new people on here, yeah?


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NamiErza #1
don't worry we still love you
I'll always be here for you, boo QuQ <3