Depression Diary ~ Day 3

Days clean: ING ZERO!!

Big relapse today after school. I hate mondays!! And the day started so good... I got three classtest back and reached an A in all of them! I was really proud, but the day turned ty.

I just was ab to my best friend. Like, a really big . Seconds after I spoke this words I regreted it and wanted to slap myself so hard.

I. Am. The. Most. Stupid. Human. In. This. Goddamn. World.

it, I don't even deserve friends...

And I have to learn physics, 'cause I have an important test tomorrow and I don't want to write this test. Since 3 days I have nightmares because of it. I'm panicing. My wrist burns. Dear god, can't I just die tonight? I don't want to do this anymore... 


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