MORE ABOUT ME (stolen from Kdramafan)

First, I stole this from somewhere because im pretty bored lol


Second, if you dont want to read its okay. its only about me anyway.







Lets get start!


What is your Name?

Winnijiang; winni.

How old are you?


What is the link to your website, blog, etc.?

I have but I don't used it lol.

What is your height?


What is your weight?

Let's leave this out ... Just so you know, I'm still in standart lol.

Do you have any siblings?

1 little brat-sister.

What is your eye  colour?


What is your hair color?


Do you wear glasses or contacts?

I wear contacts, I have -2,5.

Are you left or right handed?

Right handed.

Do you have any piercings?

1 pair in my ears. I want more though.

Do you smoke?

No. I Dont want to.

Do you swear?

A lot. Second language lol.

Do you get along with your parents?


Your fears?

One and only, Butterlfy. Biggest enemy in life.

Goal you would like to acieve this year:

Make a lot money.

Best physical feature?

I love my eyes ;)

Your bedtime?

depends.. It could be 12pm/1am/2am or even 11pm.

What time do you arise in the morning?

8 usually for weekdays and 11am/12pm at the weekend. I hate wake up in the morning :/

What are your first thoughts in the morning?

Oh damnnn! I'm still sleepy and noooo... I lost the dreamed a had! Hmmm (¬_¬)"

Do you shower daily?

Once a day? lolloll xD

This Or That?


Bright or dark room?

Dark room. Its mysterious I like it!

Chocolate or Vanilla?

For milk its chocolate flavour but if chocolate then nope. I don't eat chocolate. Even ice cream too.

Dogs or cats?


Pepsi or Coke?


McDonalds or Burger King?

Burger king. 

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

Lipton Ice Tea hahha.

Cappuccino or Coffee?

Don't drink both.


In the last month have you...

Drank alcohol?


Gone to the mall?

No... Too buzy to going out.

Eaten a box of Oreos?


Eaten sushi?

Yeah last week. Salmon sushi!

Been on stage?

Nope. This early year, yeah. (Togetherness -School event)

Been dumped?




Laughed for no reason?

Most of the time.

Gone skinny dipping?


Have been caught stealing something?

No ..

Been in love?

Ofc! I'm human being lol.

Fired a gun?

Never, but i'd like to try.

Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?


Been called a Tease?

A lot. But im not that bad.

Been beaten up?

By mom? yeah.


What was the last....

Furry thing you touched?

My mom coat. Furry coat.

Thing you have said?


Movie you watched?

Miracles in cell no.7

Thing you were doing before this?


Time you cried?

Last week because of the movie above I mention.

Song you have listened to?

Pig song lol   the original     my version

Song you have sung?

Hannah Montana - Where ever I go.

(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

My dad.

Time you looked at the clock?

11.45 am.

Food and drink you have had?

Fried rice and cup of tea

Flavor of gum you chewed?

Plain, oh! Mint.

Shoes you have worn?


Store you have been in?

Drugstore lol.






Winter then Summer then Autumn and Spring



TV Show?

Running man and alot more


I don't like flowers. But a bunch of red roses will do. 

How much cash do you have on you?

$247.97 right now

What word rhymes with 'door'?


What T-Shirt are you wearing?

Blank red shirt.

What brand of shoes are/were you wearing?


What did your last text message say?

'Ok' to my dad.

What were you doing at midnight last night?


What's your current desktop picture?

Mine is laptop and Its Myungsoo, and Infinite. Its changed every 30 second hahaha.

What's a word that you say a lot?


If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Dark Blue.

How is the weather right now?

30 O

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

Usually the face.

Are you too shy to ask someone out?


Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?

No. I think I'll broke my neck if I do hahha.

Who would you like to see right now?

In front of my eyes? Infinite.

How many pillows do you sleep with?


Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?

I don't even have one.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Designer; Billioner.  

What country would you like to visit?

Country? I make it easy Continent europe and America then Korea and Japan.

How many CDs do you own?

I don't have lol! XD hahahahaha.

How many things, in your past, do you regret?

A view.

Do you think you are attractive?

Dunno.. Maybe?.

Do you believe in yourself?

I should!.

Do you want to get married?

I'll think it later lol.







You can steal this if you want! ^^


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kdramafan #1
Haha... "It's my second language" ...
You did it as well...
"Do you swear?
A lot. Second language lol."
- Nappeun yeojaa... ckckckc :p hahaha

And OMG! I spot the PIG SONG!!! Hahahahahahah! Can't believe you put that up there!

And Miracle in Cell No. 7! I remember watching that too with my friend.. We ran out of tissues.. T_T