FanFic Review #2

Title: Korea's Trash

Author: hoobutt

Rate: 4.5/5


The story is about a high school girl who had to constantly move, her mom finally finds a stable job and she is enrolled in a new school that doesn't seem that great. Though there is an unusual "dramatic lunatic who goes by the title of 'school leader.'" Reading this whole story all in one sitting can make your brain hurt. The plot is so frackin complex that you won't understand a thing until the end and you're still left with an unhealthy amount of questions. (Which are momentarily soothed with the promise of a sequel. I'll be waiting!) Even though the story is confusing and makes your brain hurt, it's beautifully written. Maybe because I'm such an empathetic person I can't help but feel all the pain and the emotions that the main character felt. This is a wonder story that I'll probably thinking about for the rest of the day (or week). I can't seem to describe how this story has made me felt. Happy? Sad? Angry? Bitter? Confused? Depressed? Nostalgic? I'm telling you right now, in general, when you can connect to a story in any way, shape, or form, you won't now how to feel.  A surprise attack of emotions just come out and get you all at once. Some people may read a story and find no connection all to it, but they are only seeing and reading the words. When you can look and feel the words, find the emotions behind the words, you can find your connection. An ethos connection, in my opinion, is the strongest one you can make. Connections through stories can only be made through great writing, I definitely made a connection to this story.



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