NaNoWriMo - Day 1

As day 1 of NaNoWriMo ends, I emerge from the rubble of the regional chatroom clutching my 10,500 words to my chest in triumphant victory.

Yes, hello friends! It's day 2 here in the UK right now, and I've been writing pretty much all day. I attended the online midnigh kick-off party in the regional chatroom, as is tradition, and managed to squeeze in a crazy 5.6k in a few hours (I don't know how I did it, either, so don't bother asking). Then, I got up and wrote some more and managed to cross into the 10k lane at about 11:30pm. I'm running a few word wars right now (it's about 1am as I type this) and I want to get my 1667 before I sleep.


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