I Need Help!!!!!

Guys, I want to join Apink fancafe on Daum but when I sign up, the site ask me to put Korean letters.

But the problem is I can't read or write Korean and my keyboard doesn't support Korean either.

Can someone help me to make an account on Daum????? Just use my current username and choose any password you like.

Please help me~~~~

* crying *


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You can create a daum acc with english but leveling up in the apink fancafe is a different thing! I rmb i tried with the tutorials and i couldnt :( let me know if u managed to do it!
Dr_Kizary #2
Thank you all!!!
amiesi #3
u can check it at here.
amiesi #4
do you join a-pink.net? they have a tutorial to sign up daum. if i'm not mistaken.
blackwolfrebellion #5
I wanna know how to sign up for Apink's Daum fancafe!!
peachypingu #6
i think you can just sign up w/o the kor letters ><