Just in case anyone is looking for me~

It's me again.. :)



Calling out to you who I've recently talked to on here.. Or on LINE and Kakao~


I dunno how often I would be actually ONLINE after this blog but anyways if I don't respond immediately or possibly the whole day, I'm not there~




The thing is my sister and I had.. Well.. A misunderstanding and took my phone away.. And if anyone has noticed, I've been quiet for 3 or 4 days.. But heck. Who's counting right?


So yeah I just ninja my way here to check but yeah.. My inbox is quiet too.. :(




Hmmm. I just want to say thank you for keeping up with me in my dull life.. You don't know how loneliness feels SO REAL when you're at home.. Alone.. 5 DAYS A WEEK.. With no one to talk to but my dog, food and pillows.. (I may sound exaggerating but I AM that extremely emotional being and this is how I use words for now so I hope you can bear with me..) Yeah I go to malls sometimes.. But I go alone since my folks are always at work.. Still doesn't make a difference really but I still try to live and breathe.. I'm out of school and my friends are at school.. I had work once but my folks wanted me to stay home and watch the house and chores instead.. I feel so isolated..


Being alone all the time DOES THINGS TO PEOPLE.. I should know because I'm literally dying without my phone.. And my laptop can't really get me to internet because its very slow now and my sister still wants me out of the internet.. Sometimes I just find myself crying and the heavy feeling in my chest suddently kicks in and I have to pretend that I'm okay..


It's also getting complicated now because I can't assess my own feelings and I got more emotional - - - I dunno how else to explain to you guys but I can say that this is totally depression..


You guys don't know how thankful I am.. REALLY THANKFUL.. For letting me in your lives.. May it be big or a small role.. At least I'm still in it right? :)


Why does true friends have to be in the other part of the world? :| 


And if I did something wrong.. I hope you can forgive me.. Every friend I have here is so precious to me that it would break my heart if anyone is mad at me.. Especially that I can't do something about it for now because of my issue with my sister.. I am deeply sorry with all my heart..



No need to comment.. Leave a message in PM instead.. Or if you want to..


I'll try to read it IF I can.. WHENEVER I can..


I terribly miss you guys..





Advance Merry Christmas everyone..








- Monsta


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aw, ok, hope you are doing well! Bye bye! :D
Hii.. I wanted to talk to you.. but whenever I check your profile I notice that your offline .-.

But why your sister doesn't want you to serf the net? Like seriously

I know how you feel ;-;
Hope everything gets better in general for you love... Stay strong for now :) hwaiting~!