
I didn't know why I did the things I did, I was always good until today. It's like I'll never be good enough because I shouldn't have did that and I think I was always anxious about making mistakes. I was always grateful but things have come to this. I still can't keep calm, crying so many times every night and the pain never dulls.


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"Crying is for the strong"
I know how you're feeling right now, because this year I've been breaking down from so many things that are going through my life. Breaking down into tears is okay, and its perfectly normal after holding back emotions and stress inside of you. The pain will eventually stop, but life as a teenager will always . We're going through so many internal and external issues, and all we're told to do is to toughen it out. What we should really do though, is talk to somebody who understands and won't judge you.
Hi there author, i don't know you personally but I hope you'd stay strong. I don't know what is going on in your life, but think of it as a challenge that you have to overcome to come to brighter days ahead of you. I've been through and am going through a hard time right now but this mindset helps me pull myself together and move on with my life. Cry as much as you want to but at the end of it, tell yourself that you can do it and move on. Crying does not make you weak, it helps you get rid of all the sadness that you have within you. It makes you feel relieved at the end of everything. So don't be afraid to cry. Making mistakes are something inevitable, but you can learn from it and not make the same mistake again. Whatever's done cannot be undone. Even though i don't exactly know what your mistakes were, let it go and let it be a takeaway for you. Pray if you are a religious person (it'll help you find your inner peace) or just take a break from everything and go for a walk alone and breathe in fresh air, to clear your mind. Or you can simply find comfort in a close friend. I'm sorry if you find me intruding but i hope my 2 cents worth of advice may work for you. All the best and i hope you'll feel better soon! Take care :) <3