Encharme's Miss Fairy { X / The Underestimated Angel }






YUMI / 122496 / ACTIVITY LEVEL ( A 4 OUT OF 5 )

"No one knows me better than me, don't act like you do."
"A good girl is a bad girl that has never been caught."

( ♚ — Baek Eunhee; ) Her one and only korean name.
( ♚ — Aegi Eun; ) Eunhee, being the youngest in her family and one of the youngest ones in the group, eventually got used to people calling her Aegi Eun, wherein 'Aegi' means 'baby'.
( ♚ — Eunnie; ) A simple pet name given by her friends.

AGE — 17 (turning 18)
BIRTHDAY — December 24, 1996

BIRTH PLACE — Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY — Full Korean
♚ — Korean; ) Fluent / Self explanatory
♚ — English; ) Basics / One of the requirements when debuting is to know the basic English words so communicating with international fans would be a little easier. Eunhee started learning basic English when she was 14.


FACE CLAIM — Kang Seulgi of Red Velvet

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BACK UP FACE CLAIM — Choi Jinri/Sulli of f(x)
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APPEARANCE — With a height of 162 cm and a weight of 55 kg, Eunhee is one of those small kids within the group. Her hair is naturally ebony black that ends right above her waistline. She often dyes her hair brown seeing as to how it compliments the brownish color of her round-shaped eyes. She has three moles on her back that is shaped like a triangle; one on her lower nape, and two on both left and right side on her shoulders.

STYLE — Eunhee usually wears casual clothes with pale or pastel colors. Heels are one of her favorites. She usually goes with a simple yet girly get up. Dresses with cropped tops are her favorite. She usually dresses based on her mood. But that's Eunhee outside her house. Inside the house lies a lazy Eunhee dressed in sweatpants and overly large shirts or hoodies. Wherever she goes, she always have a backpack that contains all of her necessities; cellphone, tablet, wallet, a plushie, a pack of cookies maybe?



♚ A hyper active and bubbly girl with a great sense of humor.
♚ An overly confident and spoiled girl with a lot of insecurities.

Eunhee is definitely one of the mood makers in the group. With her great sense of humor, witty remarks, and playful come backs, she never fails to light up their boring and dull dorm. Variety shows are no big deal to her since her communicating skills are A+. This girl never fails to smile brightly throughout the day and of course, it influences others to do so too.

However, contrary to her good sides, the girl is spoiled, very spoiled. Being the youngest one in the family, she adapted her lifestyle motto ever since she was a kid; which was "What I want, I shall get". If things doesn't go her way, it's either she does something for it to happen or she's going to sulk and whine about it for a long time. The girl is pretty confident when it comes to her abilities, but is really insecure when it comes to her inefficiencies.

But good things has its down sides and bad things has its up sides. Being too bubbly and hyper, people often see her as a two faced girl. Some are also annoyed with her cheerfulness which often results to a quiet and sulking Eunhee. Her confidence helps her prove how much she's worth in the idol industry and her insecurities help her correct her wrongs so she could improve more and be a good role model to others.


PAST — Eunhee's past wasn't exactly fun but it wasn't sad either. Having two lovable and supporting parents and a caring older brother, Eunhee won't be asking for more. As a kid, Eunhee had too many dreams. "Mommy, I want to be a teacher!", "Can I be an engineer like Daddy?", "Jaehyun oppa wants to be a doctor, can I be one too?". Her parents would always tell her that they would support her no matter she decides. At the age of four, while little Eunhee was watching a ballet show, the pink outfits caught her attention and asked her dad if she could do that too. With the approval of her mom, Eunhee started to learn ballet ever since. After two years of ballet class, Eunhee was one of the best dancers in her class at the age of six. Eunhee wasn't that smart, but she isn't that dumb either. There are times wherein she barely passes her exams, fell asleep during class and got detention, and all those stuff. Her brother often scolded her, telling her not to be one of those delinquents who did nothing but live off their parents' hard work. And that's when she started to think about what she would do when she grows up. She can't always depend on her parents. When she turned ten, with her family's consent, she auditioned at CieL Entertainment. The company had doubts, seeing she was too young, but since the girl was really dedicated, they accepted her, but it was out of pity. Years passed and Eunhee actually improved, making the CEO think otherwise about his judgements from the past.

PRESENT — With the help of her friend, Eunhee successfully joined CieL Entertainment ( will be further explained at the love interest and the trainee life section ).
LIKES — Cookies, Caramel Macchiato, Pasta, Moomin (the plushie), Sci-fi themed books, Pastel colors, Vintage clothing, Flower scented candles, Carnations, Violet, Car rides, Strawberries, Baking, Collecting rubber bands and sunglasses, Math classes, Staring blankly at walls, Reading english books, Taking random pictures of things to post on her instagram account.

DISLIKES — Smokers, Spiders, People who snore, Unorganized rooms, Dependent people, Leather chairs, History classes, Hospitals, Cooking.

HOBBIES — Playing the piano with her brother Jaehyun, baking delicacies when she has time, learning how to beatbox from Taeyong

TRIVIA — Eunhee's time line:
4 years old: 
Started to have interest in ballet; was enrolled by her parents.
6 years old: Stopped learning ballet and started to concentrate on her studies.
8 years old: Decided to become a trainee. Applied for a few dance classes.
10 years old: Auditioned at SM but failed. Tried again at CieL and got accepted.
11 years old: Learned the basics of rapping from Taeyong.
12 years old: Learned how to bake with her mother.
13 years old: Trained how to sing by her older brother Jaehyun.
14 years old: Started learning basic English sentences for easier communication with international fans when debuting.
16 years old: Learning how to beat box with Taeyong's help.
17 years old: About to debut with the rest of the Encharme girls.

             — Eunhee plans on getting a driver's license when she turns 18.
             — Taeyong gave her the Moomin plushie, the one she always bring inside her backpack wherever she goes.
             — Eunhee drools when sleeping, something her members about.
             — Eunhee loves to wrap her legs around another thing or person whenever she can.
             — Eunhee loves to hug the first thing she touches whenever she wakes up; ocassionally, it's the Moomin plushie.
             — She named the Moomin plushie 'Taehee' which is derived from the names 'Taeyong' and 'Eunhee'.
             — Eunhee and Taeyong have matching bracelets which were bought by Taeyong's ever-so-supportive mom.


♚ Mother / Baek Eunmi / 43 years old / Caring and loving
Never in her life did she made a decision without asking for her mother's advice. She was always there for Eunhee and the girl couldn't ask for more.
♚ Father / Kang Jaejin / 46 years old / Supportive and reliable
What Eunhee wants, he gives. The reason why Eunhee became spoiled. Her father never fails to enlighten her with the things she likes but he always reminds her that not everything that could be bought by money could give her happiness.
♚ Brother / Kang Jaehyun / 21 years old / Over protective and quite the prankster
He always give tips to Eunhee when it comes to handling problems and always manages to make her smile despite her darkest days. He's over protective of his baby sister and would hurt anyone who harms her.

♚ Best Friend / Oh Hana / 17 years old / Noisy and much more bubbly than Eunhee
The two are like two peas in a pod, completely inseparable. They have been best friends through thick and thin and wouldn't mind if they share each other's pain.

GzbYltp.png— LEE TAEYONG.
Jung Taekwoon
( ♚ — Taegom; ) A combination of 'Taeyong' and 'gom'. Eunhee often teases Taeyong and his large hands, or as she likes to call it, bear hands. ('Gom' means 'bear' in korean.)
PERSONALITY — Taeyong gives off an arrogant and cocky aura but that is totally different from who he really is. With his great rapping and dancing skills, Taeyong got into SM Entertainment. Despite earning tons of compliments from his sunbaes, the boy stays humble and never fails to thank everyone who has helped him in his journey.
FIRST MEETING — Before auditioning to CieL, Eunhee, of course, tried to audition for the top company, SM Entertainment. To her dismay, she got declined and went out of the building with her shoulders drooping. Taeyong, being one of the accepted applicants, saw her in her depressed state. Taeyong was only 11, a year older than Eunhee. Randomly, he flung his arm around Eunhee's shoulder and got a pretty hard punch in the stomach. Eunhee's reflexes, I guess? Shocked, Eunhee stepped back and tried to threaten him, telling the boy that she'd punch him again if he touches her. Taeyong reassured her that he's up to no harm and with a few doubts, Eunhee just simply nodded her head and asked him what was he needing. Taeyong, being the gentleman he is, asked her why was she sad, and unconsciously, Eunhee told him about her audition and how she failed. With Taeyong's help, he escorted her to CieL Entertainment, and that's when she got accepted. Eunhee and Taeyong remained close friends, but Taeyong had much more deeper feelings than that.

RELATIONSHIP — Eunhee treats Taeyong like an older brother because of his caring ways.  But she never knew that Taeyong had more intentions lying underneath his actions. Everyone but her practically knows that Taeyong likes her but she keeps on insisting that Taeyong is only nice to her because they're friends and nothing more, which of course, pained Taeyong. Soon, the two got busy with their own schedules and rarely had time to talk and meet up with each other. But it didn't change anything for Taeyong. Eunhee realized how she keeps on thinking about Taeyong and how she badly misses him. All she wants is for him to wrap his arms around her and tell her that everything is going to be fine, that eventually, all her hard work would get paid off.

CONCLUSION — Taeyong and Eunhee finally admits that they have feelings for each other and eventually started dating when Eunhee was halfway through her debut. Being the careful girl she is, she informed the company about her relationship with Taeyong. They wanted her to break up with him but Eunhee said no. Taeyong told her that it's fine and she should go reach her dreams but Eunhee insisted not to, asking the CEO to terminate her contract. But since everything is set, the CEO had no other choice but to accept the fact that the two like each other. "As long as nobody would find out, then it's fine."


STAGE NAMEX; The letter 'X' is said to be deadly, and that's why the company gave her the name. With her pretty face, oozing talents, and likeable personality, they said that she would be one of the most successful teens in the idol business.
PERSONA — Underestimated Angel; Eunhee is known for her gentleness and bright attitude. Most people tend to just look at her the same way over and over again, as if they expect nothing more from her other than that. But once the girl debuts, she'll make sure that this view of theirs would change, that she could shine as bright as the others too.
FANCLUB NAME — Y; Like the variables (x, y), she and the fans are inseparable.
POSITION — Lead Vocal
  • SINGING TWIN — Seulgi of Red Velvet
  • DANCING TWIN — Joy of Red Velvet 
TRAINING YEARS — Seven years at CieL Entertainment
TRAINEE LIFE — At the young age of ten, fitting in was hard for the girl. She occasionally avoids older trainees and prefers practicing alone. This caused her to be labeled as the loner by the other trainees. She was never bullied though. The trainees know more than that. Throughout the years, as the girl grows, she starts to develop her confidence, trying to befriend every trainee, old or new. With her newly found confidence, this helped her improve her own self.
I LOVE HER — The Witch
SHE'S JUST... — The Warrior

AMONG US — Witch, princess or mermaid, she has no problem with them. The only person she's having a hard time with is the warrior. It's not that she hates their leader, but the fact that she has this superior kind of aura that makes Eunhee feel awkward around her. She tries to fix it though, she can't possibly be shy to her leader forever, right?
SOCIAL MEDIA — Eunhee has a bunch of SNS accounts that she doesn't really use. But at times, she updates her IG and twitter account (@leebaeks)
PREDEBUT EXPERIENCES — Eunhee has a bunch of MV guestings and predebut videos uploaded by the company on their youtube account. ( *links: one two three four five six )


FAMOUS LAST WORDS — this is actually an app i made way back then for an apply fic. the apply fic no longer exists now so this app almost went to waste. good thing i found this fic. and for the love interest, feel free to omit it from the story if it doesn't fit or if it seems, uh, inappropriate? otl. if there is something that doesn't seem to fit or lacks with something in particular, do tell me so that i could fix it as quick as possible.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — a part where people dig up past photos of taeyong and sees pictures of him with eunhee, which of course, started a fuss. then taeyong tries to cover up the situation by telling them that she was just a friend (which was partially true). oh, and maybe taeyong could meet eunhee's brother? if it's okay. i mean, i don't want the story to be filled with eunhee.

PASSWORD — intro chant? like the "jigeumeun, seo nyuh shi dae!" thing? otl. uh, this is hard. how about "here to charm you, we are encharme!" or like "encharme! hello everyone, we are encharme." wow i'm so lame. for the other password, i want to be the fashion designer. i'm quite an expert at great combinations.


( CHEAT SHEET )          ( TURN IN POST )          ( BACK TO STORY )


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Wow that was very fast of you, I was shocked to see that someone has already sent her app (and very very excited to be honest) so thank you for being our first applicant <3
Anyway, your review may be up on Monday since both of us are not home but I can tell you I like your app already.
Deeply sorry for that, stay tuned!