A fight for my EXO

U know what,guys?There is a lot of y s here and there in the world.

Guess what?I got into a fight with them.Three es against me in my classroom.

They were talking really loud in their silly voices that they thought it was cute but actually it's like a llama's barfing sound.

They were discriminating EXO Luhan.Saying mean things about him.Really mean.I do not wished to list them down here cause I think it's too hurtful for someone's pride.

And I literally swung my fist at them.I punched them in the guts and they started crying for their mommas.

Eventually,I ended up in the principal's room with him threatening to call my dad and mom but he didn't cause there's not enough proof that I did it.

The next day,they revenged on me.I was eating when someone yanked my hair backwards.I tumbled down the floor and they kicked me.Thank god,I have a green belt in Taekwondo.

I stood up and pushed the three of them to a nearby table and they all got covered in raspberry juice and chocolate milk.

HAH,serves them right.They got suspended from school at least for 1 month cause that started on me first.

All hail to me!!!!!🙆😊😁😰😎🙌



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is this for real
are you really did that !? xD
kimsfangirl #3
Lol. You did great! !