
Sometimes I don't think when I speak, and sometimes I say things I don't mean. I lose control of my emotions and I lash out. It's the result of my past, a past I wish I never had.

I'm sorry to those I have upset it will forever be in heart that I have upset you....

After what has happened to me before I am unable to be mean and mean anything by it...

Sometimes I get upset...

Don't we all...I just find it hard after all this hiding of my emotions.

After all these years I have finally excepted help from other...

I have come to terms with the fact I need it...

I write this blog now as tears stream down my face, as I am filled with guilt and remorse.

I know you can probably never forgive me...but once again I say I'm sorry.


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Jst now if that person had read this then that person must have forgive u, (well that what i think). And everyone makes mistake i have lots of times.... in front of u... but that life people make mistake, and learn from them, that how the world goes around.
It happens. I did it once and almost lost my friends.
It's like the words just come out before I even have the time to process them cuz the thought just comes to me so naturally and I'm just replying honestly too. But the truth does hurt and I have learnt. I'm sure you will too. We all err anyway, don't feel too bad. Come talk to me if you have more trouble
Sometimes your heart feels alone . To live , you need memories. Even with a bad past , you're special because you're who you are today .
Don't be upset with yourself If you were mean with someone , words doesn't mean anything . Facts do .
After a quarrel , peace.

love, Lexi <3
*hugs you tightly* You ok? I'm here, if you wanna talk.