Have we grown up or grown out of Kpop?

I feel like I don't love Kpop as much as before. The hype over hook songs, the hype over pretty faces and perfect bodies, the hype over songs about puppy love. 

I've been into K-rap/ K-hiphop recently, delving into K-indie for a while then going back to K-hiphop. The lyrics and tunes are way more meaningful than some "airy fairy" songs out there. 

I admit, I was in love with songs like SORRY SORRY because it is purely catchy. Super Junior having been THE group of hook songs, you gotta admit they are pretty good at "HOOK"ing you. But, their songs have less meaning, definitely. It is to brainwash your brain, because you would listen to it on loop. 

Now, I've learnt and changed because of education, life and friends. I've learnt that despite being happy all the time, sometimes you need to learn how to feel alone, feel lonely, feel dark. To me, that's what K-rap and K-hiphop can bring me. It's the dissing lyrics that are real, the dark melodies that bring out the cynicism in me. The truth in the lyrics as compared to "baby i love you, baby i miss you, baby come back to me" is just so stark. 

Besides, kpop industry has been dwelling deep into the pits of bleh-ness. The tunes/lyrics are getting similar, concepts are repetitive, but K-rap and K-hiphop? Sure it's dissing and dark, but each artiste has their OWN diss to do, their own dark stories to tell and each artiste has a totally DIFFERENT style of rapping/singing. That makes everything DIFFERENT. 

We're talking about a new quality in music here. Unless people learn how to produce like BEAST's Junhyung (or Team Goodlife in general, kudos Taejoo) or maybe even just minor roles in composition/lyrics like VIXX's Ravi, the industry will be stuck with air head dolls pretending they have the package when they don't. 

It's seriously horrifying to hear lip-sync when you're absolutely healthy and able to sing. It's seriously horrifying to know that your "knife-like" dance is nowhere near "knife-like". It's horrifying to realise that the industry is turning into nothing but puppets all carved into the same manner, like factories producing many of similar toys to appease the audience, thinking it would. Please, the audience wants a change of taste. Look at how the older idols like GOD, S (Kangta, Jihoon and Hyesung), Park Hyoshin coming back, Kim Dongryul, even Seo Taiji are appearing in charts despite not producing these stupid hook songs. Look at how BEAST, EPIK HIGH crashed the charts the moment their music was released. People DON'T WANT hook songs, ty lyrics anymore. I admire producers for being able to create music so quickly, the songs are good, they match the idols well, but this formula isn't going to work anymore. 


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wafflewaffle #1
i always think that many group didnt survive cause they dont have their own music/concept/the thing that just differentiate them from others

i agree with u, kpop songs mostly nowadays just.. sounds so similiar that i dont even pay attention to newbie anymore cause they mostly sound or look the same which in some ways scare me. as if they're robot or puppet. like, why dont they decline it when they know it's not.. something different, something that not their colour,
maybe cause they really dont have any choice, cause they're rookies, they not from big company, and etc
but then again too many group have debuted and fail? not recognized? why? i think cause they dont have their colour?
honestly i think the growing number of debuted group need to be cut. if they're not...ready yet. or even just dont be artist at all. sorry if im rude but the number of debuted group have been overflowing meanwhile their concept or identity just look or sound the same. not saying that they should forget their dream but.. not everyone can be an artist even if they want to. maybe just reconsidered it. just think again. that'll be better cause if they flop, it'll hurt them more right
what if, if they flop then they depressed? hurt themselves? or worst suicide...? that just a big no no.
not being an artist is not that bad. its not the end of the world.
there r some other job or dream that u. an achieve, not just an artist.
maybe , idk EO? Ceo? doctor? writer? model? journalist? WO? maybe be a comic author or ? idk so many things beside being an artist that ppl can do

and its good too, not everyone was destined to be an artist or idol or singer
heck i even used to want to be a singer but i know im not gonna make it

ppl shouldnt be blinded by fame or money or whatever

living as normal person or just civilian is fine tho ._.

again sorry if im blunt or rude , sorry if i offended someone idk whoever u r im sorry