Luhan leaving EXO

all i'm going to say (since you know by now what's going on) is this: Luhan, i'll support you no matter what. and: EXO, i'll support you all no matter what.

gonna be honest: i blame SM. there is something wrong with that company. i mean, look at how many have left just this year alone. look! look and then try to tell me that the talent are to blame. no, at this point all the blame is on SM. if you can't see that *snort* you're blind. remember people: once is a one off, twice is a coincidence, three times there is a problem here. we're over three times. we're way over three times.

Luhan, good luck with everything. i hope things work out the way you want.

EXO, good luck to you all, past and present members. i wish you all the best.

SM, i ing hate you. either change how you've been doing buisness, or close your doors. stop making your talent suffer, stop treating them like crap. sure, you're always going to have foolish fangirls/fanboys who will think what you tell them to think, but most people see though your crap. you're stocks keep going down, SM. you're loseing money, SM. more and more people are waking up to the truth.


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Well it seems like the end of SM I mean this is too much.
They are ruining their best and most popular groups first Kris left then Jessica left SNSD (I'm not a sone but it's true that they are one of the most popular group from SM and imagining them as 8 is really awkward) and now Luhan. What in the world is wrong with SM?
Though I support them since they have the right to discover their individuality whether it's Kris and his acting or Jessica and her fashion line also her wedding rumors, but why can't SM understand this I mean they are humans too right.
God put some sense into SM! this truly needs to be the end of it.
Whatt?! Really!?