Clear Misunderstood

Hey guys! Sorry for taking your time to read my bluffing but I hope you guys not misunderstood my intention. In my last post when I said it's a HORRIBLE NEWS, yeah I mean it. It's a horrible news for me.

Luhan is not my bias but he's really an IMPORTAN PERSON for me. When I read the news frankly speaking my mind blank. I know he's gone for good especially for himself and I'm honestly happy for him. But I can't deny I felt sad too because the fact that EXO wouldn't be the same. 

I'm not blame EXO. They have their right to choose what the best for themselves. Blame SME????? What else should I say about this f**king company?! And netizens? Go to hell. They're two-faced community I've ever met.

I'm done with everything. I just pray the best for them (Kris, Luhan and EXO). I'M NOT MAKING ANOTHER RUMOR AND DON'T MISUNDERSTOOD IT AS A RUMOR but I've instinct that another 2 chinese members will follow later. It's only time will decide it. I hope my instinct is wrong but if it happen, it will be the happy news for me.


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