Are our dreams really insignificant?

The recent scandals surrounding SM makes me think about a few things, are our dreams really insignificant? How hard were they worked such that they lost passion for something that they loved so much? Is suffering hardship really not worth it, even if it's for your passions? 


Did the SM artists really love their jobs, or are they just looking for a better life? Why did they have to leave like that? Is it really shady? Will it deter you from achieving your dreams? 


However, if Lay wished Luhan the best, perhaps Luhan had to leave due to his health reasons and I am glad that their relationship will be on good terms even when Luhan leaves. The work ethic instilled in me causes me to dislike it when SM idols leave the company, not because of fangirl instincts but the fact that they left their company in such inappropriate methods just for a better life. 


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