First looks of Nam Joon...

  • You are currently​ in college
  • You and Jung Kook have been going out for over a year
  • Jung and Jimin are best friends and Jimin has a new room mate (Nam Joon)
  • Jimin goes to Jungs room to collect some work
  • You and Nam Joon are left in the room by yourselves

*Jung and Jimin leave the room*

"Y/N you know you’re ...very beautiful"

It takes you a while to register what he has said as you haven’t yet overcome the fact that Jung has left you in a room with a person you have barely met. Nam Joon just stands there shyly with his hands stuffed in his grey jean pockets and his eyes locked onto yours awaiting a reply. Eventually the worlds "Thank You" slip out of your mouth. You can feel your face turn red with embarrassment but you stare intently at the ground refusing to look up.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. It's just that..."

The door slams from behind, to hear irrelevant murmurs of Jung and Jimin. Nam Joon stares at them but for a strange reason you gaze at the hypnotic features of his face. The purity of his skin; his blonde hair and his perky lips, everything about him was perfect; from his build to his 6ft stature. You find yourself grabbing on tightly to your surrey of books in your hands re-framing yourself from running up and kissing him. Your muscles tense.

Before you have a chance to look away, Jung wraps his muscular arms around your waist and tightly squeezes. Intimately he porches his head on your right shoulder and whispers softly in your ear "your beautiful” causing a tingle to fill your entire body. The black spikes of his hair tickle the side of your head and his body heat seems to bind with yours so, as a reflex, you tilt your head to give him a little peck. His lips, warm and moist, make you realise that you can’t stop thinking of Nam Joon as his face is permanently tattooed in your mind.

With shame, you jolt you head away and gaze at the top of your books. It’s a horrible feeling. It’s as if you can see Jung's confused and judgemental expression on his face as you moved away. But with his love for you he places his arm around your shoulders and continues to speak to Jimin as Nam Joon just stands there, head to the floor. No matter how much you thought about it you couldn’t bring yourself to rise your head too look at Nam Joon let alone Jung.


Hey this is my first time writing a fan fic, i know its short but i hope you enjoyed it! i will be writing longer and better ones in the near future. Please comment and tell me your thoughtsxxx


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