;~; I still have a baby voice

So, I was wishing my baby cousin (okay, well not baby) a happy 12th birthday over the phone

and he is too precious ;~; He praised me yet hurt my pride at the same time.


"Hey Alex, happy birthday!" 

"Thank you"

"You're so old now"

"No Im not"

"What grade are you in now?"


"Wow! One more year until middle school"

"I know, what grade are YOU in?"

"I'm in my 3rd year of college already"

"Nu uh"

"Yes huh"

"Nu uh, you're too young!"

"Actually, Im already an old lady"

"You're 18!"

"I'm older"


"I said older"


"Close, I'm 20"

"Nu uh"

"Yes huh"

"Nu uh, you don't sound 20. You sound my age"


;~; For a moment I was like "Yay, I dont sound older" and then he said I sounded like I was 12. Mah pride! ;~; UGH. 




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....... I feel hurt homie. </3
Dat means you coot XD
kids say the darnest things aha. it's ok, at least you don't attempt to speak lower than you usually do bc you're self-conscious of your voice (hahahahah that's totally not me... OTL)
hahahahahaha a jab to the heart :)

you'll be okay...*pat on the back*