Possibly the best Monday ever

My instructors are going to discuss about the pre-professional programme with my mother and I today, I'm so excited and nervous! Can't believe this is really happening. I know I've been talking less about dance and more about my family (more like ranting) but dance lessons really make me feel happier and I'm learning more. I've also been assigned new duties to choreograph a 3 minute dance with 3 others, and to perform in front of my instructors within a month. There is some serious time constraint in here but I believe that they gave us less time and a harder task (previous students had to choreograph a 2 minute dance in 2 months) because there are seniors (I am one) in the group.


Who said that Mondays are bad, Mondays can be good.


I have not given up on the pre-professional programme to focus on studies, I never gave up, and will not give up.


To grow suddenly (being forced to grow up) is painful, but the pain is worth it, and I'm glad for the pain. This joy will not last but with joy, there must be pain.


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