Homouality: me talking about my writing and getting way off topic


The idea I actually had about this story was that I wouldn't tell who topped and that people would just read it to read it. Cuz i personally feel it doesn't matter either way. They're still having and they're still both men so...

Idk. One of my biggest issues with the way people view gay relationships is that they assume that there A) has to be a 'top' or a 'bottom' and B) that therefore the 'bottom' must be the 'girlier' one. And thats not fair especially if we're talking real gay relationships. And so, I don't believe we should make labels and assumptions about a fictional couple based on 'who tops' and I think we should be open minded about reading a fanfiction regardless of who's dominant or submissive IN THE BEDROOM. You also have to remember that, relative to the entirety of a gay relationship, what goes on when they're having is such a short amount of time. So whether someone is dominant or submissive in the bedroom doesn't at all have to dictate whether they're dominant or submissive out of the bedroom. Actually a lot of time, gay relationships are so successful because of the equality between a man and a man or a woman and a woman, because there is actually no need (or even no room or use)  for a dominant and a submissive partner. In a gay relationship, the two people actually tend to become comfortable around each other faster than in a heteroual one. In a heteroual relationship, biology dictates that the guy has to make an advance and after that nothing can progress until the girl accepts his advancement. In a homoual relationship, be it gay or lesbian, that biological need is a moot point because the two people are of the same gender. 

Anyway, I just have one more thing and its that ive found that in a lot of fanfiction people want to know who tops and who bottoms before they read because their ideal for that one couple is specific. And when I think about it, its really strange that we feel the need to know beforehand how the couple works when they're having , which is actually a really private thing. I think it doesn't make much sense, especially because the reason for that is that the person reading feels they need to typecast a 'girl' in the relationship, which kind of infuriates me. The whole point of a gay relationship is that there IS NO GIRL. THEYRE BOTH GUYS. I feel that setting someone as the 'girl' is kind of insulting to that person. The point of being a man is that you're a man. Most men have super pride in that fact (well, I mean, unless you see it as a bad thing or like you're trans or inter or whatever). Thats probably why luhan keeps refusing when people say hes pretty. Because hes a guy, and while maybe some guys would take that as a compliment because thats how they feel about themselves, a lot of guys just want to be recognized as a guy. In this fandom, especially in hunhan, I rarely see that about luhan. Yeah, he's got a and he wears men's clothing, but when it comes down to it, his masculinity is almost always downplayed with 'pretty' and 'cute' and generally just the way people act towards him. Sometimes I feel like I'm just reading a heteroual story, not because of the pronouns used but because of the way the character acts, the way the characters act towards them, and the way the author describes them. 

Its alright to have feminine characteristics but when they're so prominent to the point where I feel like the character really is a girl, there just isn't a point anymore. I was once reading a fanfiction, and it was actually really good and I was getting into it. But then the author wrote the characters having a conversation like 'you're the girlfriend in our relationship!' 'no you are! hahahah' and it actually really bothered me, stuck in my head, and kind of ruined the well-told story I had been reading. THERE IS NO GIRL IN A BOYXBOY RELATIONSHIP. THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF IT ALL. And I know it was just for the characters having fun and messing with the idea, but I didnt like that she felt the need to include it. There shouldn't be a 'girlfriend.' Thats not how gay relationships work. I think the problem with it all is that manga and anime has made a stereotype of a manlier guy and a girlier guy. Therefore, thats what people think when they think 'gay guys.' Then, that stereotyped relationship has carried over into the way fanfiction works and overturned the malexmale feel and made it more malexfemale, if only it the way the characters are handled. 

I actually think all this stems from the fact that people still have difficulty accepting such unorthodox things as gay relationships. They think they're okay with it and supportive, but they still search for that 'safe' heteroual aspect instead of accepting homoual relationships for BEING HOMOUAL. Its something thats hard to grasp, as a heteroual person (unless you're gay and you're reading this, then you're probably okay on the acceptance front. Maybe. Idk). So when its hard to grasp, those gay relationships- those foreign relationships- are then twisted in our minds into something thats not as weird and they are therefore made to have heteroual characteristics. They therefore have a 'bottom' and a 'top.' They therefore have essentially a girl and a guy. And therefore its actually no longer a homoual relationship. 


Ps. This isn't really me discounting the writing ability of fanfiction authors or the enjoyableness of reading fanfiction, its just me really really ranting because its been bothering me. My opinions only (+ some stuff I feel is fact like the fact that a gay relationship is a guy and a guy and not a girl and a guy. My snark is overwhelming I'm so sorry ;;)


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Preach onnnnn. My god this has been bothering me for a long time. One time I had someone tell me that they didn't like taoris(otp) because they didn't know who topped or bottom and that Tao was too tall. I was just dumbfounded and didn't even try to explain that is not how relationships should ever work regardless of your ual orientation. And especially with hunhan for me i really don't mind that Sehun always top (cause or else there would be like no selu to read) but I really hate how some fics tear away at Luhan's masculinity. And it's in stories that are supposed to be strictly about romance. I get the over submissiveness and dominance if it's like a fic or anything like that but I really don't even see it in those at least no where near to the point where I feel like I'm reading about boy Sehun and girl Luhan like some fics make me feel. thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. (And for finally saying this out loud.)
Ah-Mih #2
finally someone said it... it's really annoying to read a story and in the middle of it someone goes all like "so, who tops?" and i just want to smash my computer