Let's put an end to this.


SM Entertainment. One of the Big 3. Several popular groups are under this company. All amazingly talented.

They're all treated like .

Okay, so first DBSK loses three members who filed a lawsuit. I'm pretty sure SM has had problems with SuJu. Of course, Kris of EXO filed a lawsuit earlier this year. Sulli of f(x) might be leaving her group. And now GIRLS GENERATION'S JESSICA IS BEING KICKED OUT?!?!?! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL IS GOING ON?!?!

I'm not gonna go into all that bull with what SM has done in the past, so for those of you who don't know, please just look it up. Anyway, I think us kpop fans need to put an end to SM. Now, I know what you're thinking: "but I'll miss my oppars!!!" Yeah. I'll ing miss EXO and their y ing too. I'll miss SHINee and the few comebacks SM lets them have. But I'd rather have them find another company to work under that will treat SM artists at least a LITTLE bit better than have them be treated like garbage by SM, wouldn't you?

So, here's the plan: change you're profile picture on all your social media accounts to this: http://i61.tinypic.com/fcl8ns.jpg to show you are well aware if what's going and and want it to come to an end like me. (Credit to Shane's Kpop Videos on YouTube.) don't forget to tell other people to do the same!!! then, stop buying any albums from an SM group. Yeah, I wanna support my favorite artists, too! But that money goes to SM and their staff. How much do you think you're idols ACTUALY get paid?! Probably not a lot!

If we want our favorite artists to be treated fairly, we need to make a change. This may be a small idea to get the word out, and may not make a huge impact, but what if it did? What if SM artists get the freedom they deserve? I sure know ill be supporting this. What about you?



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