-clear- ; Ryou | human





-[ Ryou ]- 





Username : Indubutably

Activeness : 8.5

Nickname : Chrissy







Name : Ryou

Other Name : Yoyo (Shio, his best friend, uses this to ), Baby (not in a romantic way, but more in a "you are a baby, a child" sort of way. His actions when he's sleepy prove he is indeed very baby-ish, so his older brother calls him this when he wakes up and goes to bed.)

Date of Birth | Age : Period of Dark | 19

Basic Appearance : Ryou stands at a short height of 168 cm, weighing 51 kg. He frequently likes to dye his hair and change up the style so sometimes he will let it grow long and tie the ends of it into a small ponytail, or he'll chop it and keep it completely short. His fingers are quite long and so are his legs. He has a mole right beneath his left eye and has a weirdly winged shape birthmark on his lower back. He's quite clumsy as well, so he falls and gets scars often. (Usually only on whatever skin is exposed in the cold weather.) There's one small one on the pad of his left thumb where he slipped on ice and cut himself, and one on his right pinky from cooking and slicing it by accident.

Clothing : For Ryou, it will always be long parkas that at least go down to mid-thigh. To him, the longer the better, since it'll keep more of him warm. When it comes to pants though, he tends to wear the tightest pants he can find. He will always wear boots while it's snowing, and if it's not, he'll slip into his most comfortable sneakers instead.







Visual : Ren Lu Jia

Pictures or gallery : prince.

Backup Visual : Nam Woong

Pictures or gallery : prince.







Background :

Ryou grew up as a normal boy in Setsuna, with one older brother and one younger brother. His parents raised him like any Setsunite, telling him about the world and teaching him how to get food and how to keep warm in the eternal cold. The only difference between them and normal Setsunite parents, is that they seemed to show that they loved and cared much more than normal. They never forgot to show him they were there for him, and would support him no matter what happened. Ryou was always the favorite child, which was odd to him since he was the middle child, since he would help around the house while Rin and Yun would play around in the snow. So when Ryou reached 15, he finally moved out and moved in with his brother, waving goodbye to his teary eyed parents.

Normally, Setsunites would cut /all/ family ties but Ryou was quite close to his brother since Rin seemed to take care of him the most, and he refused to part with him. They lived two peaceful years in their small little log cabin, Ryou going out to get food while Rin kept the fire going and cooked dinner for the both of them. Two peaceful years, then the virus came and ruined everything. Yun came knocking on the door with tears roling down his cheeks, managing to choke out the words through his loud sobs. "Mom's dead. The virus got her. Dad's one of...them, and he ran away." Ryou comforted Rin for weeks until the older male realized that he had to be strong for his two younger brothers.

Another cheerful year passed, but during the period of light of that year, Rin got his powers. Ryou had never seen lightning until Rin was able to create it, but the moment he did, the younger of the two hid himself in his warm bed, crying harder than he ever has in his whole 18 years of living. Rin felt so guilty, that he hid himself in his room for over a week until Ryou coaxed him out and told him that it was okay, that he still loved him and that he wouldn't tell anyone else about it. Rin was such a big impact on Ryou's life, that he knew that he wouldn't be able to live knowing that he made him so upset. Rin promised to try not to use his powers ever again despite Ryou's protests, and after lots of sighing, the younger brother nodded and agreed.

Family :

- older brother || Rin || 24 || calm, father-like, gentle, helpful, mature || Rin and Ryou live together, so they have to have a good relationship. Rin is like a father to Ryou, always caring for him and worrying about him. Rin enjoys caring for his younger brother and likes having his company around. He trusts him enough not to tell anyone about his secret, as well, and they are close enough to pretty much tell each other everything. || to make lightning

- younger brother || Yun || 16 || rambunctious, immature, childish, nosy, temperamental || Rin tells Ryou not to tell Yun anything, because he has a big mouth and will tell all of Setsuna. Yun hates light meisters for "bringing the virus into the colony". This is why Yun is very distant from Rin and Ryou. Ryou tries not to talk to his little brother too much, since if the youngest figures out Rin is a light meister, the two oldest of the three children would be chased out. || n/a


Friends :

- best friend || Shio || 21 || humorous, playful, composed, friendly, caring || Shio lives in the cabin closest to Rin and Ryou's, and occasionally visits to check up on them. Ryou enjoys having Shio's company around, since him just being there just brightens up the whole room. Shio likes not being alone all the time, and finds Ryou's emotionless expressions amusing. He enjoys being by the brothers' side and he's glad that they know who he is and can accept him for himself.  || he can shape light to make images. for example, he can control the light and make it look like a deer running, but he can't maintain it for very long.

Others : 

- acquaintance || Mina || 53 || observant, gentle, kind, soft-spoken, persistent || this is the woman that's always selling food in town. occasionally, she'll provide advice to him if she sees the slightest furrow of Ryou's brows. Ryou goes to her to buy food, but always leaves with a lighter heart, and is very grateful for her guidance most of the time. || n/a

- acquaintance || Quin || 10 || bright, optimistic, cheerful, open-minded, innocent || Ryou somehow ended up as Quin's role model when the little boy saw him just standing by the colony outskirts, saving a small animal that was injured. He ran up to him and grabbed his hand with a bright smile, which caused Ryou to jump about five feet away from him then run away. Now whenever Quin sees the older boy in town, he will immediately come over to walk around with him. Ryou does't mind it, really, and finds the little boy cute. || n/a 







Personality :

Ryou had always been the stoic type, showing his emotions and feelings with his actions and words instead of through his expression. He rarely ever cries, and rarely ever smiles. His little brother claims that his older brother is a robot, and needs to lighten up more. The problem is, it's not that he doesn't want to show his feelings, it's just that he can't. Whenever he tries to smile, it becomes awkward. Whenever he tries to laugh, his eyes just don't seem to show it. Rin says it's because he hasn't experienced true joy yet, but he feels quite uncomfortable not being able to even fake a laugh at his brothers' bad jokes. He finds it hard to express himself, so he has to do it through actions. Taking care of someone to show that he cares, ruffling their hair to say it's okay, he does it that way.

Despite his stoic appearance, he's actually quite shy and feels uncomfortable when strangers try to talk to him. This is one of the main reasons as to why he only has one other friend besides his two brothers. He also has a low self-esteem, which he claims will be the end of him. He gets anxious easily because of this and is always worrying about what others think of him. Because of this bad trait of his, he always wants to learn new things so he can improve himself. He learns things quickly, and works hard to be the best at something, since he refuses to be "useless". If he's learning how to cook, he devotes all of his time to practice his cooking skills even when he doesn't have to. It's odd since people can't tell just by looking at him, but Ryou's actually quite clever. He's good at deciphering messages behind words, and is very intelligent when it comes to human emotions. He would say he's empathetic, but he doesn't think so. He just believes that a human is like a puzzle, and his ability is simply like puzzle solving (which is another thing he seems to be good at).

After getting close to someone, Ryou will lighten up a bit. He's just as stoic before but he is less quiet and shy, but more talkative and open about how he feels about things. His eyes will twinkle slightly when he's talking about something he's excited about, but of course he doesn't know that. People will realize that he is actually quite caring, always worrying and fretting over those around him. Sometimes it's hard to tell, but Ryou's selfless as well. He'll scarifice himself for others any day of the week. This shows when he goes out to get food for his brother to cook so the older male can stay inside in the warm cabin, not having to withstand the cold winds of the seemingly endless snow. It's also odd, but Ryou can easily talk his way out of something if he tries hard enough. There's something in his small actions and his words seem so persuading, that people just let him go. If he were honest and not the humble young male he was, he would say that his persuasion skills were something out of this world.

Fear : Astraphobia (the fear of thunder and lightning), being alone for long periods of time

Trivia :

- Ryou really likes tea.
- He likes flowers as well, but since they're not very common in a snowy area like the one they live in, he's only seen them in books
- He has a bracelet that he received from his mom when he was little, and he always wears it.
- Ryou is really shy when it comes to skinship (but it's a secret that he really likes backhugs, so don't tell)
- a bad habit of his is hugging whatever is laying next to him when he sleeps
- he's a little more flexible than the average person
- he enjoys stargazing and cloud watching
- he really dislikes sweets
- contrary to his small and thin form, he enjoys running
- he likes when people sing him to sleep (he's a big baby)
- his skin is quite sensitive, which is probably one of the reasons as to why he's stiff when it comes to skinship.
- he tends to act very childishly and babyish at moments, using his cute expressions and pouts to get out of some things if he doesn't feel like using his "expert persuasion skills"

Colors : medium grey herehere







Personality : Someone who can read through Ryou's actions and realize what he means and what he's trying to say. Ryou needs someone who can ruffle his hair and hug him close, telling him that they are alright with him just the way he is. It's hard for him to express himself, so he wants someone who can understand that. It's hard getting close enough to him so he needs someone persistent and stubborn as well, who won't give up trying to pursue him.

First Meeting : Most likely somewhere in town, where Ryou is shopping, or a location where Ryou is gathering herbs and plants for dinner. Since the boy never leaves his house if he's not buying things or looking for food, it'd be hard for the love interest to catch him anywhere else anyways.

Interaction : Ryou doesn't seem to want to be anywhere close to anyone that's not Rin, so if the love interest tries to pursue him in a romantic way, he feels very uncomfortable. Simply, the love interest chasing after him and Ryou trying to run away as fast as he can.

Ending : I'm alright with any, but if Ryou dies I'd prefer he'd die and realize that he is precious to someone. I lean towards happy as well, but I don't really mind haha.






What do you do during the full moon? : I'm told not to leave the house during the full moon, since Rin doesn't want me to catch the virus. I ocasionally try to sneak a peek at it, cause it is quite pretty, hehe.

How has the virus affected you? : I'm pretty indifferent towards it. Death, to me, is normal. You live, then you die, if it's your time, then it's your time.

How do you feel about the light meisters? : Light meisters? Rin is one...I've never met any others, but if all of them are like Rin, then I like them. He's not like what the people say.

What if you became a light meister? : I'd be happy, I guess..I could finally understand how Rin feels, and I'd be able to relate to him and feel his pain. I don't like it when he cries by himself.







Comments : hi~ o/ sorry it took so long orz school got in the way and so this app is also a little short in the end ;n; oh, and also, I wasn't sure if there animals in Setsuna but I would think so since the colonists would have to get meat somehow, right--and same with plants ;;

Questions : nope~ i'll just read the story to find out what's going to happen haha

Requests :

- Ryou turns into a light meister -- this one doesn't have to be done, just a suggestion \( ; U ; )/
- Rin, for some reason, goes missing and Ryou runs around the colony searching for him
- Losing the bracelet that his mom gave him, and looking all over for it but someone else finds it for him (can be love interest, or another applicant or something o/ )

Password : "Was it really necessary, though?"




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