jessica jung. jung sooyeon. ice princess.

I bet everyone already knew about this. I was really shocked since there's no rumours about Girls' Generation these days but as soon as i opened my twitter, i nearly screamed out loud. Eventho im not a hardcore gorjess spazzer ( sunshine imnida o// ) , im greatly affected because there's one thing i want the girls to do together, as ot9. celebrating their 10th anniversary. sm kicked jessica out, i wonder if krystal will take decision to leave sm as well. the pain of being smstan is hating the entertainment but treasuring the idols below that entertainment. i honestly feel like kim youngmin should kill himself. less that 365 days, two idols leave. what the . like seriously, sm is so ed up right now. shinee and f(x) are the groups that still together from their debut days until now. i cant even understand what is youngmin tryin to do. dating scandals everywhere and idols leave or inactive. youngmin should bury himself tbh


p/s : sorry for my nonsense /bows


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