full name. oh haera
haeraing / called by sehun in a cute way
— haeolaf / called by her closed ones due to her addictiveness(?) to olaf
— rara / called by family members 
birthdate & age. 140792 + 22
birthplace.florida, usa
hometown.seoul, south korea
languages spoken.
english : fluent
korean : semi-fluent
french : conversetional
height & weight. 170 cm & 52 kg
faceclaim. son yunju
backup. jang chommi
casually, she loves to wear tank top or shirt tucked in front or behind or full or not with shorts, knee-length pants and skirts. she also loves to wear floral dress, to her it's super cute! when she is training, only sweatshirt or sweater is her choice along with jumpers. she didnt feel comfortable to wear other shirts. that's why there's tons of it in her closet. normally, she just would white or black or you could say pale colours cause she didnt like to attract people's attention. and, she hates neon colours. she also didnt leave her pouch bag behind. she have like tons of it that she could open a pouch bags store. she only brought her handbag when she's travelling far. for footwears, she didnt like too high heels. she prefers flats or converse and vans. it's comfortable and not annoying. she have a cupboard of those shoes. socks is the only thing that she prefers when it's bright. since anybody couldnt see it. she have like two or three plain black or white socks, the others are bright coloured.
— round eyes and dark brown iris
— dark brown hair
— really fair skin
— berry-shaped face
— sharp jaw line
〈 내 소개팅 ⋮ MY BLIND DATE 〉
personality traits. introvert, protective, cleanholic, boyish, genius, athletic
— shhhh... i cant talk to them like that!
the first thing that u could know just by looking at her in one second is she is shy. since little, she is not that friendly. one because she just doesn't know how to start conservations and two because she is afraid that she would hurt somebody with her words. you will feel the awkwardness when you're alone with her and you're a stranger for her. she is really careful with her words. because of her middle finger habit, almost everyone called her rudeass . and yes, she cried. alone for days. she have a strong heart. she is not the type of girl that would asks for the other's symphatizes(?) on her. she hates it. she hates it when she showed her weak side at the others. as long as she could hold it back, she will. if not, she will tell her problems to the close ones only. and that is really rare.

— i will protect you, no matter what happened
haera is really protective especially if it is about her family, bestfriends. she just have the urge to protect them, no matter what. if you ask her family, friends or yourself? she will choose family, friends. she treasures them really much. she feels like she couldn't even live without them. she would do anything for them, eventhough it could make her die, she'll still protect them. say all what you want about her, she'll not get mad. just don't criticize her family, friends or she would get really mad. says her unprofessional or what, she wouldn't stop. she is a really good listener. she would try her best to listen to your problems and solve it. she puts her family, friends first before herself. that's how she loves them.

— let me clean it. i cant take this anymore

haera is really cleanholic. she cant stand rubbish or dirt stains just no. her apartment is really cleam and neat, thanks to her since her brother is really lazy. everyone that visited her apartment ould be like 'wow! you cleaned this? it's really clean! can i pay you to clean my house? ok kidding'. she's really sensitive when it comes to cleanness. she will start cleaning and didnt stop until everything is clean to her eyes. since she have some allergic with dusts, she would tidy up her room at least once a week. she would nags non stop while cleaning if she visited somewhere and it is really dirty. like a mom, she would nag on how thick the dust is, how smelly the room is while cleaning. from the beginning until she placed the tools again, she would nag non stop. just let your ear hear it or she would nag even more and louder.

— euww so cheesy!
haera is a little bit different. or not. she didnt like it when u say cheesy pick up lines cause to her it's disgusting. it would annoy her out. she really hates it. same goes to romance and fluff books, movies and anything. she just- hates it. she's more into action or fantasy or even supernatual things. since she's the only daughter, she got imfluenced by her brothers. she held guns more than dolls when she was little. she prefers playing with boys than girls. she loves to get covered with mud than playing the dolls or any girly games. because? it's not her style. she already used to play something boyish. her parents sometimes scold her bcs she's being too boyish.

— teachers love me!
during her schooldays, she is known as the teachers' gold due to her intelligence and athletic body. her father also close with the headmaster so her father always donate some money to the school, making the teachers' love her more. sometimes, it's really annoying that the teachers always look at her. you could say the teachers are really nice to her because of her father. if not, huft. blows bangs in annoyance. she is really expert in math and history also of course english. she is good at the other subjects but these three is her best 3. eventhough the other students hate these 3 to the galaxy and back, haerafound out that these three are the subjects that she really wanted to study. other than that, she is good at sports like archery, horse riding and her best is swimming. she even got chosen as USA representive in 1500m category u15 and won gold medal. eventhough she have minor eye problem, her accuracy is the best. she can shoot at the middle easily.


background & current lifestyle.
oh haera was borned at los angeles, usa oh 14th July 1992. she grew up with much loves by her family, partly because she is the only daughter. because of her passion to sports, she took horse riding classes when she is 10, swimming classes at 7 and archery classes at 9, along with her brothers but her brothers took one more class, heavy lift. she won gold medal in 1500m swimming when she is 12 in Olympic Games, as USA representive. many people jealous of her since she got the looks, brain and body. due to that, she always got some hates back at the school by the girls. that's why she is more comfortable with boys than the girls. 

now she lives with her brother, oh hyunseok who is currently majoring in bussiness at Seoul National University in Seoul while her parents, oh seunghyun and oh jungsook live in florida and her older brother, oh jonghyun live at france, with his wife, oh sori. she used to live with her manager, stylists but since she got the permission to move out, she move out and ask her brother to stay with her in Gangnam because she is scared of living alone. her parents pay for the house and bills, so she didnt have to worry about anything. she would leave in the morning if she have any classes, after making some foods for her lovely brother. usually, she would back from university around 3 to 4 pm. at that time, she would rest or do her homeworks or assignments. but if she got home earlier, she would go shopping, doing chores or grocery. during weekends, when both of them didn't have anything to do, they would go somewhere, spend their time together but if she's alone, she would rather sleep or hang out with sehun. cough cough
personality traits. 4+

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.


 vegetables and fruits
— berries
— dark chocolate
— winter
— spicy foods
— dark chocolate
— caffeine
— sleeps
— white roses
— books
— alcohol
— summer
— neon colours
— saying 'so' repeatly when explaining about something
— eating sweets when she is stressed
— crack her knuckles when she is really mad
— saying 'euw no' at something that she didnt like
— her middle finger habit : she tends to rub her eyes and fices her glasses using middle finger
— reading books
— sleeping
special talents

— she can imitates So Jiseob's voice and his hand gestures in drama 'The Master's Sun' perfectly.
— really good at sketching
— hates colouring but has some talents
fun facts
— she prefers dark chocolate over milk chocolate
— she currently lives with her brother
— she has a sensitive skin, so she can use natural beauty products only
— she is a fan of Apple
— she owns silver iphone 6,black samsung S5, blue ipod touch, black ipad mini and white macbook air
— she is a fan of H.O.T, BoA, SNSD and Super Junior or you could say SM groups
— she loves to collect albums, she has a shelf of albums that she had been collecting since young
— she have driving license, both South Korea and USA

— she own white Audi R8 and call it 'baby'
— she is left handed
— she actually have minor eye problems so she would wear spectacles or contacts 
— she would turned into a panda when she didnt get enough sleep for two days
— she hates to colour her nails in bright colours
— she prefers fantasy and horror novels than romance and fluff
— have a so-called-couple watch with Sehun
— have a pretty weak immune system
— have a great strength of arms but thighs? zero

— have a fear of height places but loves extreme rides
— have two life sized olaf doll, five sets of olaf bed sheet and many more olaf merchs
— really flexible
— didnt mind to reveal her bare face
— have a viki acc where she posts random video
— light sleeper
— have a very deep dimple, it would be obvious when she smiles or laughs

— currently majoring in engineering at Seoul National University

love interest.

full name. oh sehun
birthdate & age. 12.04.1994 & 20
status. close friends


oh sehun has that cold expression that often gave a bad first impression to the others including haera's parents. But he is quite friendly . Its just his cold gaze can make anyone feels the cold aura around him . Just like Haera , he is dirty-minded. When it comes to this kind of things, the two would be the best pairing ever. And he loves to demand people as he is just lazy to move. He wouls ask you to take the remote when the remote is just infront of him. Sometimes, Haera would burst into anger because of his laziness and nag at him non-stop. But lately, he didnt demand people to do some useless things after an hour of Haera's counseling session.
But when you know him, he is really dorky. He loves to use aegyo. Eventhough he is as cold as an ice , you will find his dorky side when he opened up to you . his killer smile could make anyone squealed like some pathetic fangirls. he has that defined body and perfect facial features that every men dream of . When he showed his dorky side , that means you already won his heart . He is really good at picking up line . He would be like the sweetest boyfrined youve ever meet. He will greet you every morning , wish you a good night , ask if youve eaten and something like that. He is really caring towards his beloved ones. he would walk to your house at the midnight if he feels like something bad will happen to you. He is quite extrovert, so when it comes to order or dealing, he will do it instead of haera. oh sehun is jerk at the outside and a lovely man at the inside

your first impression of each other.

they met even before the blind date, they're lab partner. their first met was at the lab, both of them stared at each other and their hearts go like dup dap dup dap. they broke the love gaze after 5 seconds and their hearts still beating like crazy. they're close after their two other friend date. they meet each other more often as they usually paired up in any assignments.

haera's first impression, charismatic. come on, those sharp jaw line, gaze and perfectfacial features could melt you down in second. sehun's first impression, cute. her dark brown eyes just melt her cold heart. actually he is not the type that would open up to strangers easily. but with haera, he open up in less than 24 hours.

your interaction.

the two are not the type of couple that would be like 'honey' or 'baby' or 'darling'. they are more comfortable using more un-romantic nicknames. haera would call him 'dimsum' or 'markeu' while mark would call her 'princess' or 'olaf'. even their close ones complain why they gave nicknames to each other different than the other couple. they just clogged their ears and pretend that they didnt hear that. they bicker a lot. like really a lot. since both of them just cant back down, it could lasts for a day. but otherwise they're sweet in their own way. if haera is cooking, sehun would help her with the dishes since haera couldnt trust him in helping her cooking.sehun often buy her things, eventhough haera refrain him to do that. but what u can say, it's oh sehun. sehun treats her 30% sister 30% close friend 40% partner. he could turn from an annoying jerk to a cheesy guy in a split second. he is shy but when he is alr close to you, u just could gape in shock because he is really different. 



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