Any advice?

tmrw is his birthday, do i have to greet him? idk, i have feelings on him even if he hurt me soooo many times. i just cant rid of him from my mind. i tried to ignore him. i tried to stop stalking abt him but cant. he didn't reply my previous text, eventho my texts were like longeeeeer that i can make it 'Story of my pathetic life.' he found me, he got me but then he threw me like a rubbish? wth. so why my heart stick to him? why can i accept the fate that he's not mine anymore? how am i supposed to handle these pain? he never look back at me. :(

sorry, i know this isn't abt kpop or else. 

help? guys? 


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In my opinion, i think you shouldn't greet him.. 1) Because he totally just threw you away 2) He has someone else. The first reason is already a good reason to leave the boy, you can do so much better. Someone that will treat you well, not someone like him. Yes, I know its difficult. Trust me. I know. But the best advice I could give you is to keep yourself busy hun. Go do something with your friends, read a book, watch dramas. Dont text him. Delete his number. The more you show him you're weak and you NEED him, the more he's going to ignore you.
They say time heal's all wound's, and in your case I think it's better to just greet him and that's it, I had the same situation few years ago, it's hard when you like someone and all of a sudden the wind changes its direction..i think its better for you to just stay away from him, even tho you are still attached to him, or maybe just disappear from his view. find something to keep your mind out of him or look for someone who will give you that love you deserved. I know it's hard to keep yourself away from him, no matter how much he hurt you. But him not replying to your longer text means that he's not interested in you anymore. Maybe in your mind you are still hoping for him to accept you back, but reality is...he's not anymore...guys are jerks..that's why they have two in the bottom and one on top XD hope this helps. and keep your chin up, someday you will find someone more better than him.
tae1810 #3
usually when someone hurt us badly, only that time we give up on him/her..
just greet him..and only that,it's fine =)
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