2min stuff from last night~~~


From the new showcase for I'm Your Boy~~~

Qn: Are you guys the type who take the initiative to confess? Or you wait?
JH: It doesn't matter.
MH: Woahhh
JH: If you meet someone you like it doesn't matter who confesses first right?
Onew: Of course
MH: If I have someone I like, I'm the type who confesses first.
JH: C-o-n-f-e-s-s, w-e w-a-n-n-a s-e-e~
MH: (grabs taemin by the neck) I love you.
Everyone: (laughs)
MH: Something like that
Onew: Taemin's face is...
JH: His expression turned bad!


MC: How about Taemin?
TM: I... prefer neither.
MC: But what is your ideal? You want to do it, or you want someone to do it to you?
TM: I think it's best to be alone!
JH: Because he has a husband! (points at Minho) Right?
TM: ................I am lonely.

cr: ipipie

I know it's all for fun, but really, not much has changed....

Cute little blush-smirk ^-^

The way Taemin looks at him...

The way he looks at Taemin...

It's hard not to believe that there is some truth to those words~

So cute~ 

MC: So when rehearsing, does any of you stay back to practise on their own?
JH: Yes yes of course there is
JH: Who is it? Who is it? IT'S ME!!! (raises hand)
MH: Heyyyyy!
JH: I do!!!!!! I stayed back!!! Though it was only once! Minho and Onew stay back together too right?
Onew: Well I'm always slow so...
MH: Onew stays back because he wants to practise. For me, it's because I have other schedules so I have to stay back. Onew really stayed back and practised alot.
JH: I practised too, but Taemin did you?
TM: I....
JH: You don't need it right?? To stay back and practise

MH: Taemin is already perfect. (pats Taemin on his back)
JH: Right???
TM: I... will work harder....
JH: I'm so envious~~~

cr: ipipie

PS: I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Minho's new hair

This face! XD

Love that scar~~~~

Taemin wants some more attention~


Makes me want to update Behind the Scenes ASAP~~~ 

I started teaching at a college nearby, however, so my writing days have slowed some. 

I hope to get to it soon. I mean, how could I ignore the cuteness~!?


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yesssss minho bby keep keep chasing ur taedreams
Minho why so obviouusss??? XDDD you already want to make it official? :DDDD
HAHA! Oh, that 2MIN feels~ I know I say this all the time, but I'll stick to it just 'cause it's the first thing that comes to me; "THEY ARE ING PRECIOUS TOGETHER~" Real or not, I will forever love them together >3<
Umma/Unnie if you were my professor, I'd stay after class everyday! I'd also looooooove my class cause I found a professor who gets my Kpop heart! Plus an awesome teacher at teaching yes?
Lol O.O All I noticed they change their hair color so often. taeMin just had blonde, then he is black again like in 32 1? OMG! Does not he have problems with damaged or fast falling hair if he dye hair so much ? OMgh!
BeautyIsPain #6
Idk. In my opinion, Tae's body language suggest that he's actually annoyed with Minho. As he's turning away from Minho he shrugs Min's arm off of him. It's slight, but it's there. And it is definitely not playful. It could have just been the way Minho grabbed his neck that pissed him off, but Taemin looks like he is 100% done with Minho's . Honestly, Tae seems like he's just done with Shinee in general. Like, ever since TTBY he's just been off. At first I thought it was because he missed Minho a lot, but I now I think he's just unhappy. The only time he truly smiles is when he's with Jongin.
asianfangirl5997 #7
2Min will be real one day lol as if its not already......2min feels for real im so in love with these two SHINee Fighting!!!! PS....Key Oedi?
SimplySammy #8
I am dyinggggggggg. 2min melts my heart. UGH
giracrystal #9
I love them all and I feel like Minho has gotten more buff now a days
That damn hat O.O
I hate those so much... It reminds me of my old land lord. He's a huge -_-
Thank you for this great 2min update! I love your love for them :)
Also congratulations on getting a teaching job! Do you like it?
omg firstly thank the heavens my boys are back
cause all freaking year ive missed theeeeeeeem
now that i have a huge crush on taemin, im also like damn you minho plz /grumpy cat face/
im glad theyre happy regardless you know.
things changed but not really at the same time you know
sophiaistheb2st #13
i love 2min but they dont interact like they used to. :'( I was so happy with this moment but when i watched it, it's not just the same as it used to be. at least the friendship and brothership is still there. <3
^ I keep watching that gif and I can't stop laughing at Taemin's "yeah, whatever" face. xD

Taemin looked so good during that whole stream though. Like a little French man. ;;
And I was hoping that Minho was going to grow out his hair. #justicefortheRingDingDongEra
Taemin and Jonghyun didn't look amused in the slightest when Minho "confessed." Taemin just.. shrugged it off like he didn't even care.

And there was a mistranslation there. Minho didn't say that he was perfect. He actually said "He has already perfected it." xD