Did I do something wrong?

Hey guys, how are you doing?^^ I hope your fine like me, except that school is going to kill me and it started only 2 weeks ago ._.

So yeah I have a question, mostly towards my readers and subscribers.

So everytime I upload a new chapter, sometimes subscribers unsubscribe to my fic. Ok if it should happen only 1 or 2 times I wouldn't really say anything since it's their own decision, but it's happening alot of times actually O.o I'm doing something wrong? Are my fics going to be more worse? xD

Haha I just sound like a crybaby (like Hoya xD), but I really want to know why that's happen.

Anyways I don't want to brabble that much about that, thank you for reading it. Then see you again ( with a new fic maybe :D)


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oppach #1
Try your best not to let the loss of subscribers bother you. Write for you and you'll be happiest. :)
I don't think its necessarily your stories. It can range from a number of things. If the reader feels like the writer is taking to long, they unsubscribe (which I think is wrong, since we have other things like life going on.) Some may not have read the story in awhile and may have lost interest. Some may not like that particular pairing anymore....its just a number of reasons why readers may unsubscribe. You can't be truly sure, but don't fret to much about it. I've learn that when subscribers leave, there are new ones that come.